seven | dan

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Dan and Phil had text the day before, so they had a plan for them to meet at Phil's locker. He didn't tell Phil why he missed school but then again he never asked.

When he approached Phil's locker, Phil seemed to be quite annoyed. Turns out Louise and Zoe were also there. Ah, Zoe and Louise. They used to be thick as thieves if he's being honest. They were attached hip to hip since kindergarten, sadly their friendship came to an end. Everyone is convinced that it's all Louise's fault, because thats what Zoe had told everyone. He knew it wasn't. He witnessed what had happened in person. But he won't get into that right now, he really doesn't need to.

As soon as he approached the locker he could see what Phil was so annoyed about. They were bickering like mad. They seemed to talking at they same time and throwing around looks that could kill. Dan, of course, wanted no part in this and decided it was best to take Phil and leave. He was about to do just that when Zoe waved to him. He knew there was no leaving now. He was her distraction from Louise, a very weak distraction at that but a distraction none the less. "Hey Dan." She greeted when he finally arrived. That's the one thing he could read off of people's lips. Hey Dan. Everyone said it even if he couldn't hear. Teachers, students (sometime), his family, everyone. So yeah, he couldn't hear her but he sure as hell knew what she was saying. He smiled and waved back. She winked at him said something to Phil and beckoned Louise with her finger before skipping her happy ass all the way to class. Phil gave him a weird look before nodding in the direction of there classroom.

They didn't get to communicate till English. He and Phil did the paper passing thing for their story till they were finished with chapter one and decided to take a break. Phil scribbled something on a sheet of paper before handing it over to Dan.

Don't hate me but I may have done something you'll not approve of

Dan rolled his eyes before writing his answer down.

What have you done

I may have told Louise that we would sort of work with her and Zoe this afternoon

Dan sighed. Of course he would. He could just imagine Louise talking about what a nightmare Zoe was and asking Phil to partner up with them for the project. He of course said yes being the good friend be is.

If they break out in brawl am I allowed popcorn

Anything for you Danny boi

They were off to a bad start. Zoe took it amongst herself to offer her house to hangout at. Louise of course didn't approve and started yet again an argument. Phil had text him all this. That was the only form of communication those two made the whole car ride to Zoe's. The girls stole all his attention, asking him questions and demanding answers when Phil obviously didn't want to speak with them. It annoyed Dan to no end. Phil was his partner and he was obviously uncomfortable with the situation. He'd at least think Louise would have some respect for Phil's comfort zone but apparently she had none.

They finally arrived at Zoe's house, Louise showed immediate disgust upon entering the how. Dan suppose it's because she lives in such a small house, a cottage almost. Thankfully she didn't start any arguments with Zoe. They went into the kitchen to grab some snacks, grapes and tiny Gatorade bottles. They went into the living room having no problem choosing were to sit. It was peaceful for a while, they took turns trying to get grapes in each other's mouths and wrote bits of the stories. Finally they decided to take a break. Phil immediately took out a small note book and began writing to Dan.

See everythings fine no brawls or popcorn


I know right I really want popcorn

I was talking about the brawling

Phil elbowed him in the side before Turing his attention back to the paper. He stopped writing mid sentence and looked up at Zoe and Louise. Dan rolled his eyes, they must have started arguing again. The saw the coffee table in the middle of the two couches shift. He looked up this time to see Zoe and Louise in each other's faces. Zoe looked extremely hurt, while Louise looked like she was about to kill her. Dan finally understood what was going on, at least he think he did. Zoe liked Louise. It was simple really, it was probably why she left Louise all those years and why she always tried to remain cheerful. But hell, that didn't make his annoyance go away. Instead he stood up and said something that maybe later he would regret.

"Why don't you just shut up and fuck already."

The look on all their faces was priceless, especially Zoe's.
"Phil," he said. "Let's go." Phil scrambled out of his seat grabbing his stuff along with him and gave the girls an apologetic look before taking off with Dan.

While walking around trying to discover where they were his phone vibrated.


Sure let's go

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