Chapter Six

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'Haunts me? Yes, it haunts me.' I replied, his question still ringing in my ears. I pulled my long, blonde hair from the right side, so it fell down my left shoulder. 'Why wouldn't it?'

Alden shrugged. I lightly tugged at my fringe and played around with it, my turquoise eyes sparkling.

'You're a lot more restless than usual.' Alden observed at he watched me from where he stood by Chewy's side. I turned away from him and grunted at his comment. He sighed.

'You gonna tell me why, kid? Or are we going to play some dumb guessing game.' His voice wasn't aggressive, or annoyed, more playfully toned. But it frustrated me.

Alden moved on, sensing my emotions. 'The earth quake.' He went back to the previous conversation, 'Why were you all alone?'

'My mother and I got separated.' I whispered, banishing the memory as best I could. I looked down at my hands, which were resting on Chewy's haunches.

'How old did you say you were?' He asked.

'Eight. Why?' I glanced over at him and he met my gaze with powerful, hazel eyes.

'You're awfully mature for your age. And intelligent.' He lifted his hand and brushed his brown crop of hair from his face.

'I've never really had a chance to just be a kid. The life I've had so far required me to grow up and mature fast. I guess, I just had to learn quickly if I was to survive.' I replied, lifting my shoulders before letting them fall.

'What exactly happened in your past?' Alden looked at me and I realised I had never told him anything about my past.

I launched into a recap of my life, talking about how I was taken from my mother by the 'gang' and was abused, till I was rescued by my new mother. Who taught me the ways of the wild.

'Fucking hell...' Alden let out a long-winded breath. 'Excuse my language.' He added, waving a finger at me.

I raised my eyebrow, 'I've heard those words many times. You don't need to censor yourself.' My tone was stiff. I closed my eyes and turned my face away.

'Hmm...' Alden mumbled. 'Can you feel it?' He asked me. I opened my eyes,

'Feel what?'

'You know what.' He stated firmly.

I paused.

Of course, I knew what he was talking about...the dove.

'She's back. I still wonder why.' Alden filled the silence. I shot my gaze to the right corner. And, she sat on an oak tree's branch. Her eyes were pinned on me. She leaned forward, ruffling her feathers. I wished she would come even closer, but a doe bounding past startled her and she vanished.

I was left with the sense of wonderment filling me. Why was she following us?

Alden watched her go as Chewy kept a steady pace, 'She saved you, you know?' He said with a smile.

'What? No. You saved me.' I replied.

'Have I not told you?'

I shook my head, 'Told me what?'

'She led me to you. I was never planning on going into your village, I was going to go around. But, it was the strangest thing. A beautiful dove flew up to me and desperately flapped its wings in my face. I was confused and continued but she was just so determined. And I felt like something was wrong. So, I followed her to you. And, I'm sure you know the rest.'

I nodded and smiled. A thought rippled through me and the smile faded, 'You felt the quake, right?'

'Yeah. I was in a clearing when it happened, so I just rode it out.'

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