Chapter Thirteen

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Longer than previous chapters!!!!!!!

Someone knocked on the hotel door, early the next morning. Rubbing my eyes, I awkwardly sit up in bed. My turquoise iris' are dulled as I watched Alden slump over to the door, yawning and stretching. He shoots me a gentle smile before turning and slowly opening the door.

I hear Alden and the person at the door talk in hushed voices, but I didn't bother listening in. Lying back down, I shut my eyes and pull the covers over my head, not wanting to leave the warm mattress and its comfort. Nuzzling my nose deeper into the pillow, I almost wanted to fall into an endless slumber and never leave this calm fortress.

'Misty?' I feel Alden shake me with a gentle touch. Refusing to abandon my solitude yet, I scrunch my eyes tighter together and groan in disagreement. Sighing, Alden shakes me slightly harder and says my name again.

'Nooo.' I whine lightly, my tone high pitched but soft and tired. Turning on my side, I face away from him. My body felt so limp, I didn't think I'd be able to get up, even if I wanted to. So, what was the point, anyway?

'Ok. We're playing this game, eh?' Alden says, sounding amused. 'Right you, time to get up!' He declares, still clearly happy and light-hearted. I feel his hands slip underneath me and suddenly I'm lifted into the air. Cuddled close to his chest, I feel like being cheeky. So, instead of opening my eyes, I simply squirm closer to him, a sneaky grin spreading on my face as I pretend to sleep.

He plays along, giving me a friendly squeeze as I hang in his arms. 'Oh, little baby is sleeping. Shh, don't wake the baby.' He coos over me, rocking me in his arms, his tone fake but kind. I frown but still refuse to open my eyes.

Playfulness rises in his tone as he realises his tactic is working, 'Ah, such a small little baby. Sleep little baby. Don't open your eyes and see your favouritest person ever.' He says, pouting.

I open my eyes and sit up as well as I can, 'Favouritest is not a word.' I argue, folding my arms.

He grins at me, 'Good morning.' He cranes forward to give me a kiss on the forehead.

I smile happily up at him, 'Good morning!' I laugh, wrapping my arms around his neck and giving my adoptive brother a hug. Suspended in the air, I glance down. 'Am I super light or what?' I ask, trying not to mention Robbie and keep the conversation off him.

'I like to think that I'm just really strong.' He responds with a sly grin.

I give him a sincere smile, 'I think so too. You almost killed a guy!' I remind him, eyes glowing. Alden touches his nose to mine, happily, then puts me back down on the bed. Crouching, he puts a hand on my shoulder, looking directly into my eyes. 'Listen, Robbie is at...'

'How're you this morning?' I ask, cutting him off. I desperately didn't want to discuss the devil...I mean, doctor. The day before had been stressful enough and I'd surpassed my breaking point. Being able to snuggle close to Alden had essentially 'recharged' me. But, I still didn't need reminders.

My eyes flicker around the room, not meeting his calm, brown gaze. 'Misty...' He breathes, knowing I'm still hurting. He gently touches my neck, trying to get me to look at him. He sounds sympathetic, and I knew he wasn't gonna let anything happen to me. But, my pulse still raged in terror. I felt sick.

When I still wouldn't look, he reached up and held my face, stroking his thumb side to side across my cheek. 'Mist, kid. I know you're afraid, but can I at least let him in to the room. He's still waiting out...'

'No, he can't come in!' I yell, a bit louder than intended, a bit more aggressive than intended, too. Continuing to not meet his gaze, I swallow.

'Sorry, I didn't mean to shout...' I mutter.

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