Chapter Sixteen

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'...Met not too long back.' Was all I heard as Alden spoke to the nurse. I lay in a hospital bed, a drip slipped into my arm, tired and weak. The curtain was wrapped all the way around so I could only vaguely hear them talking. There was dim lighting and the room was chilly. I wanted to pull the blankets up higher, but could muster no energy to do so. It felt as though I was tied down with thick, strong ropes wrapping around me. As much as I wanted to struggle, my mind was the only thing that responded to me.

Alden pulled back the curtain to reveal me and a little extra light. He saw my eyes were open, and darting around the place like fireflies. I smiled at him, relief swelling my heart. He pulled up a chair and tucked himself beside the bed. 'Hey, kid. How are you feeling?' He asked in a quiet voice.

I opened my mouth to reply, but the words choked in the back of my throat and it took a moment for me to utter anything. I slowly said, ''

He drew his lips into a thin line, 'Yeah, that's expected. Listen, you keep resting.'

I shook my head, 'What happened?'

He tilted his head, confused, 'Your leg? It was...'

'Amputated, right.' I said, my words and memory seemingly returning. I propped myself onto my elbows and looked around more confidently. Everything looked strange, with either a tint of blue or white. No colours, just bland. There wasn't much to look at.

'When do I get to leave this shitty dump?' I asked, almost angrily. Enough aggression to make Alden flinch.

He took my shoulder and gently pushed me back down, 'Shh, two weeks. It'll all be okay, though. And, in a week, I'll help you start on your crutches.' He gave me a soft kiss on the forehead, lying on me, giving a tight hug.

I nuzzled welcomingly into his neck, grateful for the warmth he provided. I closed my eyes.

A week went by painfully slowly. Alden visited every day, as he'd promised, but I hadn't been allowed out of bed unless I needed the toilet.

Finally, I was free to try the crutches Alden had given me.

'Alright, you wanna give them a go, Bean?' Alden asked me as I sat on the edge of the bed, my leg dangling off it. I nodded enthusiastically and he placed them in front of me so I could ease onto them. Putting my foot on the ground, my knee immediately went weak and my arms couldn't support my weight. Toppling over, I fell right into Alden.

'Gah!!!' I cried, 'S-Sorry.'

He laughed, holding me in his arms as we sat on the hospital floor. 'No worries, kid. It's your first time, keep trying.'

And, so, I did, and I fell again. And again. And again. And again. In fact, I fell so many times, I can't remember the exact number. I believe it was around ninety-five to one hundred and twelve.

The day came to a close and I hadn't walked one step on my crutches. As Alden lay me back down for bed, he said, 'Misty, don't worry yourself over it. It's been ages since you last walked, ever since I found you in the village. So, don't fret, okay? It's normal you're finding it hard, all things considered.' He consoled.

It didn't help much. But I appreciated the sentiment.

He kissed my cheek a last time and left for the night.

Sighing deeply, I pressed my face deeper into the pillow. Blinking softly, my turquoise eyes flittered over to my crutches that lent against the bed.

Perhaps I can get in some extra practice?

I lifted my head and looked around, checking if any of the nurses were around. The ward I was in was empty of other patients, and as of then, empty of staff. To my luck, or detriment.

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