Chapter Seven

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'Me?' I whisper, tears threatening to fall down my face.

I awoke in a strange, wooden cottage. A fire was the only light source and I was tucked in the corner of the room. The place I was sat in was dark and shadowed.

A chair was blocking my complete view of the warm light, and a man's silhouette placed on the seat.

I shuffled slightly and heard the clash of chains ring in my ears. Looking down, I saw metal cuffs locked around my wrists, tying me to an iron hoop on the wall. I tugged at the chains and gasped in pain as a sharp sting stab in my arms.

'I wouldn't do that kid.' Hid dry tone sounded again.

When I had woken up, this conversation had occurred, 'W-who are you?'

'Your saviour.'

'What do you mean?'

'I am the one who saved you from those wolves.'

'Thank you?'

'That won't be enough.'


'You're mine now.'


My eyes widened in surprise and upset. Being owned again?

'I wouldn't do that kid; the cuffs have metal spikes on the inside. Tugging at them will make the wound worse.' He turned around, but I couldn't quite make out his face in the darkness.

I glanced down at my wrists. The metal cuffs were lined with dry blood. My eyebrow furrowed in worry.

'What're you going to do with me?' My voice cracked with tension and anger. I'd had enough of being tossed around like I was no one.

Maybe that was partly to do with Alden. And, my mother. Both had treated me like I was a living being. Not an object.

The man laughed, his voice rusty and he sounded like he had a cold, 'It's quite simple. I will tell you to do something, and you will do it. You know, to repay me for my generosity.' He replied, using a pathetic justification at the end.

'And, if I don't do as you say?' I challenged, my turquoise eyes sparked with pride and indignation.

The man stood up and made his way around the chair, to me.

He crouched in front of me, his face close to mine. His breath tickled my ear. His eyes were blue and flared with what felt like evil.

It was easy for me to read his past.

He'd been abandoned by his father and was raised by a loving mother. She taught him everything and they built this very cottage together. She had died of cancer two years back.

I kinda felt sorry for him.

Meeting his eyes with a narrowed gaze of my own, I titled my chin upwards slightly as he responded to my challenge.

'Then, I'll add to your pain.' He reached for and tugged harshly at my risk, then tightened the cuffs.

I let my shoulders fall and took in a sharp breath of air. My face had fallen so low, my nose was close to touching the floorboards. My sides heaved in exhaustion. I scrunched up my eyes, washing away more tears as he spoke again,

'Don't make this worse for yourself.' His tone was sharp and threatening, yet I felt no fear towards him. Only hatred.

I would not let myself fear this brute.

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