Gas - Part 4

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"Erin duck!" Patty shouts. Erin instantly, moving.
A proton ray quickly darting above her, hitting the ghost. Erin moved carefully away. Abby, fired her own proton ray, entangling the ghost. Now they waited on Erin.

"Come on Erin, the trap!" Patty called and Erin nodded. Unhooking the trap from her pack, placing it on the floor. She kicked it, sending it sliding across the floor.

"After three." Abby called, as Patty and Abby slowly lowered the vapour.
"1." Erin's foot moved to the trigger.
"2."  Erin steadied herself, ready.
"3!" Her friends shout, and her foot presses down. The trap opening. The ghost sucked in and the trap closing. Proton rays turning off.

Abby letting out a joyful cheer. Moving closer to her friends, pulling them into a hug.

It was Abby's new thing, hugging. She hugged a lot more since Holtzmann's death.
Patty wasn't as loud as she used to be, she had shortened her laugh and reduced how often she swore.

Now as for Erin, she ditched coffee and tea all together. Lemonade and water was all she drunk. She would turn off any radio she could, living her life without music. And that equation she was trying to figure out the day the accident happened, she has not returned to it. The equation had be moved to the bottom draw of her desk and Erin busied herself with anything and everything else.

The ghostbusters returned to headquarters, happy with their bust. All three ghostbusters climbed out the car, walking into the fire station.
That's when Abby stopped, dead in her tracks. Patty bumping into her, confused, then she looked up. Erin did the same.
All three friends eyes landed on the floating vapour in front of them.
"You left the lab." Patty states. The ghost nods.
"You've not left for over two weeks." Patty says speaking for both Erin and Abby. Their floating friend just looks at them, her mouth opening slowly.
A croaky voice spoke," I came down last night. I-" her mouth still moved, no noise was made.
"Holtz-" Erin began and then she sighed, not quite knowing what to say.
"'t....eak" stuttered from the vapour.
It was Abby that understood, instantly moving across the room. "I'll be right back." Abby calls, heading up stairs.
Holtzmann's mouth stops moving. She looks down at her friends, trying to make them understand through her stare. She gave in, and just smiled at them.

Erin, became nervous as they waited for Abby to return.
"Abby, what's taking so long?" Erin called out, nervously swaying on her feat.
Holtzmann just smiled down at her and that made it worse. She had said many things after Holtzmann's death and once she found out Holtzmann had become a ghost she panicked. Holtzmann could have heard it all.

"Abs? Any moment now..." Erin said and with that Abby, swirled down the fire pole.
"I got it!" Abby calls, dashing over to her friend's. A small box in her hand.
Abby placed it down on the floor, sitting down herself. "Sit." She stated as she opened the box. Patty and Erin, both shared a confused look, than sat. Abby picked up the item in the box and smiled.
"Is that?" Patty asks, pulling a confused look.
"It is. A morse code transmitter." Abby, looks up at Holtzmann. Or to where Holtzmann was.
"Holtzmann?" Abby asks and her other friends look up, concerned. Both now realising Jillian had disappeared.
"Holtzy, its not the right time to be playin' games." Patty states, "We're trying to help you so come out of hiding will ya'"

The three ghostbusters sat there for a while waiting.
"Ow!" Erin yelps, as something hits the back of her head. She turns and sees Abby's empty box. "What the?" Erin questions then she realises," Holtzmann stop playing games!" Erin says annoyed now.

It was Abby who waited. Erin and Patty giving up and going home. Abby waited all the way through her night shift. She waited as she continued with her plan. Setting up the morse code transmitter and a tape recorder. She placed a range of heavy, but small objects near the transmitter then smiled at her work.
"Jillian, if you are there. You can use this to communicate with us. I know you took that morse code class two years ago, so hopefully you can remember it. We're here for you Jillian, we want to help you." Abby got up, giving one last look over the room. Tapping the record button on the recorder, she walked away. Up the stairs to her office.

HoltzbertOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora