Part 6

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Tessas p.o.v: I wake up around 10,luckily to no one waking me up,I ended up rolling the sleeves because they where massive and I headed downstairs to see no one awake. So I ended up cooking breakfast and eating it by myself 

At least I didn't have to eat infront on anybody especially Anthony. While eating Jake came down

Jake:morning,by the way we are heading to coachella tonight instead of tomorrow morning ok 

Tessa-morning, that's alright with me what time?

Jake-7 so we get there by midnight 

Tessa-alright, I have some food left over from breakfast you can have 

Jake-ok thanks 

He went and got a plate then put food on the plate,he sat next to me 

Tessa-should we wake everyone up 

He nods 


Jake-good idea t 

Tessa-thanks, I will get the taser while your finishing your food 

He nods,I go to the office and grab the taser,when I walk out he's done so I hand it to him. 

We go upstairs to the boys room and wake them by putting teasers in there face,Anthony ends up running at me and picking me up and taking me to my room 

He put me on my bed and started tickling me 



He stops, and sits on my bed next to me 

Tessa-by the way we are leaving tonight for coachella at 7 so we have to start packing soon,so my suitcase is on top of my wardrobe to high for me can you get it please 

Anthony-are we and yeah sure 


I get a text from Erika 

Erika💖-come down here,need to show you something urgent x

Me-coming x

Tessa-um thanks Erika needs to speak to me urgently in private so I'm going to go down there,call me if you need help packing ok 


I walk out, go to Erikas room and shut the door


Erika-have you forgave Anthony 

I nod


Erika-my friend just told me that she heard he has a girlfriend back in Ohio, so next time if your in the drama room hopefully coachella, Jake can confront him ok 

I nod,I really feel like I need to talk to him about it but I will wait 

Tessa-thanks e

Erika-your welcome t 

So I head upstairs, to pack, still trying to figure out what I've just found out,so I get up to my room put some music on my speaker and start packing 

I pack loads of outfits,some comfy clothes,some beach wear,some towels, makeup, toiletries,loads of shoes,perfume,spray,Chargers and my speaker.

Anthony knocks on my door 

Anthony:sorry but I need help packing 

I nod and walk into his room

I go through what he's packed, not really talking to him,because I'm still so confused about Erikas told me 

Anthony:Tessa are you ok 

Tessa-yeah just tired and got a lot of stuff on my mind, but I'm fine 


I pack his bag,help him with outfits and that 

Chance-um Tessa can you help me and the twins 

I nod

I go over there,check what they have packed and not packed, help pack it all up 

I'm finished completely at 2, I started at 11:30. I go into my room and go on my phone till Jake comes in 

Jake-sorry but I heard your helping people with packing can you help me 


So I go into his room, take all his stuff out,look what he's got and not got, helped with outfits and shoes, fold all his clothes and help him Fit it in 

Jake:Tessa your really quiet are you alright 

Tessa:yeah just tired 

Jake:ok I'm going to take a nap because I'm the one driving, can you wake me up at 5:30 please

Tessa:yeah I will make an alarm when to wake you up 

He nods and goes into bed, I make an alarm and walk out,back into my room I'm still in shock and confusion on to the news I've heard 

Around 4 I decide to have a nap to get my mind of things, I get woken up by the alarm I set for Jake,so I head to his room and wake him up, I sit next to him and play with his hair until he wakes up 

Tessa-Time to get up 

He groans and sits up 

Tessa-go get in the shower to wake you up,that's what I'm doing I've just woke, up from an nap as well 

He gets up,gets comfy clothes and goes to the bathroom 

I head to my room,I get some leggings and a black Tessa brooks sweat shirt and go in the shower,I get my clothes on,put my wet hair in a ponytail to naturally dry out. Put some white and black superstars 

Get like my quilt for the car journey because it's like 5 hours and go downstairs to wait till we have to go I only have to wait for 30 minutes 

While I'm on my phone, everyone slowly comes down one by one, till its time to go we head to the team 10 van, I sit at the back with Anthony and chance next to him. All the time I was thinking about what Erika told me 

I'm really tired still, so me and Anthony are sharing headphones and I lay my head on his shoulder and he rested his head on mine and we shared a quilt, I fell asleep and I think so did he.

I get woken up by someone moving around and it was Anthony, I look at him and he wispers 

Anthony-sorry can't get comfortable, 

I just nod,to tired to say anything,he then lifted me up and put him on his lap so he can get more room to get comfy, he ended up putting his back against the window his legs spread out a bit,with me on his lap,resting my head on his chest, we where still under my quilt but I got most of it, but he didn't mind because he had a sweatshirt on anyway, I soon fell back to sleep

I got woken up again by getting carried,I see its Jake,then Jake put me on the sofa,me slowly falling back o sleep with my quilt still on me,while the rest discussed who's going with who and what room 

I remember getting woken up by someone about to lifting  me up 

Tessa:I'm comfy here though 

I moan,they just laugh, I see its Anthony, so I snuggled my head into his chest

Tessa:where are we going 

Anthony:to my and chances room, I want to cuddle with you 


I say tiredly, friends can cuddle right? There's nothing wrong with cuddling, he put me on his bed,he quickly got in after and i rested my head on his chest with are legs all muddled up together and his arm around me and I fell soon back to sleep,

Hope you enjoyed guys,thanks for reading xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 

Tanthony[tesssa brooks +Anthony Trujillo]Where stories live. Discover now