Part 34

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Tessa p.o.v: I woke up to chance and Jake on either side of me and Anthony on the other side of the bed asleep. I then remember I need to finish editing  that vlog still,so I quietly and slowly got up trying not to wake all 3 of them up.

I go to my room,put some black Jake Paul sweatpants on,a black team 10 sweatshirt on and some fluffy socks. I grab my phone and head phones,go back into jakes room go back to where I was but I was now sitting up,my laptop was already on the bed 

15 minutes into editing,chance wakes up,he sits up and puts his arm around my shoulder. I take my earphones out my ears and whisper and rest my head on his 


Chance:morning how long have you bin awake for 

Tessa:25 minutes 


I nod,I put an earphone in and leave another ear not with a ear phone so I can still hear chance,15 minutes later,the minute I finish editing,Jake wakes up

Jake:morning guys 


Anthony starts waking up,I start to export my video to YouTube and write a caption:"the explanation...."

Anthony:morning guys 

We all said morning, I got my phone and snapchated me and chance,it looks like Anthony got jealours,so I turn my camera around and shoved it in his face sort of and said 

Tessa:awwwww is Anthony jealous that I take snapchats with chance awwww 

We all laughed.when the video finishes he said 

Anthony:yeah,yeah I am

Tessa:well you were just in one 

Chance puts his arm around my shoulder and Anthony looks more jealous,I slightly kick his leg 

Tessa:stop getting so jealous,it's only a side hug 

Everyone laughed,Jake said in a girly voice 

Jake:oh I'm going to rip her head of I'm so jealous 

We all laugh 

Tessa:I could all of you right now it don't mean anything 

Anthony:do it then 

Tessa:don't get jealous

I hug chance,Jake then I get up and hug Anthony I leave the room with Anthony following me and go into the twins room who is asleep,I jump on both of them and hug them,they both hug me back

Ivan:what was that for 

Tessa:oh Anthony was getting jealous of me and chance side hugging eachother I said it don't mean anything and I could hug everyone right now he said do it so I did 


Me and Anthony walk out and back into jakes room I sit in between Jake and chance

Tessa:see it don't mean anything 

Chance put his arm around me again,Anthony roll his eyes I do the same because how he's acting 

I get my phone and check the tweets some of them said 

User234:nooooo Tanthony is over😓

Tanthony13:Tanthony is over😭

A tear falls down my cheek I really miss him but he constantly hurts me,I just stand up and go to jakes bathroom,lock the door and slide down it and cry.

Tanthony[tesssa brooks +Anthony Trujillo]Where stories live. Discover now