Part 27

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Tessas p.o.v: we all got to Logan's place where he was hosting the party,there were lots of people,drinks and loud music, me Anthony,chance and Kylie hung out for a bit,Emilo and Ivan trying to chat up girls. Erika and Nick hanging ,Jake and Sophie hanging out and dancing. 

This party have bin amazing,Me,Sophie and chance had like 2 drinks,Anthony has had 3 nearly on his 4th

Tessa:you guys enjoying the party

Anthony put his arm around me and said 

Anthony:yes has long I'm with you gorgeous 

I blushed,I new he was tipsy but enough to know what he was saying 


Sophie:Tessa come toilet with me 

Tessa:yeah come on 

So I gave Anthony a peck on the lips,me and Sophie was on our way to the toilet,on the way out I saw Anthony and Erika flirting,I tried to ignore it because he was Abit tipsy,then when we got to chance,we saw Erika kiss him, then grabbed his hand and took him to the spare bedroom 

I broke into tears, why does Erika have to do this to me what have I done,I sort of blame Anthony a lot but not as much as Erika. I just walked out the party, made my  way to the lobby and sat there ordered my uber and cried.

Soon enough Jake and Sophie came out and rushed to me,I just broke into more tears. They came and gave me hugs 

Sophie:what's wrong Tessa 

Tessa: I saw Erika kiss Anthony while I  was coming out of the bathroom then Erika bring him into a bedroom,Anthony is drunk though,but I mainly blame Erika Abit him 

They hugged me tighter 

Jake:do you want me to go in there 

I shook my head no 

Tessa:no because they are probably naked or something,you guys stay and enjoy the party I will go home,just warning you I might mess up some things 

Jake:no we are going home aswell,Logan's invited random people and I don't even know half of them

I nod and my phone tings, it means my uber is here 

Tessa:the uber is here let's go 

They agreed and got in the uber,I got in the front them in the back,it was so hard not to cry but I held it in,I was so angry why does she do this to me what did I do 

We finally got home and I kicked my shoes of,went upstairs put on some shorts and team 10 sweatshirt, I looked in the mirror and burst into tears. I hit the side and kept on hitting it I was going crazy.

I bent Down and cry,I wiped my tears got of and took my makeup of and tied my hair up,I went downstairs and walked in the office,the first step I took in was a flashback of me and Anthony,having our first kiss,after the party that he stayed with me the whole night

I bent down and cried,Jake came to me helped me up and hugged me

Jake:that was the place after the party and your first kiss wasn't it 

I nodded and burst into more tears,digged my face into his chest and we walked over to the sofa,Sophie was in the kitchen making hot chocolate 

She walked over and handed me one,Jake didn't want one,she sat on the other side of me and I rested my head on her shoulder,I drank my hot chocolate and just sat there thinking and thinking 

I got so angry at them,I stood up and went to Anthony's shared room,went to his walldrobe and threw his clothes of the balcony,then his shoes, then his mattress,after Jake came up to see what I was doing and he saw 

Tanthony[tesssa brooks +Anthony Trujillo]Where stories live. Discover now