Part 18

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Tessa p.o.v: I woke up next to Anthony again and he was awake,still spooning me his phone bascially in front of my face but I don't mind,I can see what he does,he wispers 



Then I remembered today  is the day my mom died a week ago,a tears rolled down my cheek,I turned around and digged my face into Anthony's chest,he put his arms around me,I felt so safe

Anthony:what's wrong 

Tessa:todayis the day that my mom died a week ago 

Anthony:I'm so sorry Tess 

I'm just going into more tears,we soon pull out of the hug,I sit up and wipe my tears away,I grab my phone and lay down facing the wall,Anthony back again to spooning me, he can see what I do on my phone I can see what he does on his phone,I post on Twitter 

Twitter: I miss you mom😓 You've bin gone a week and I miss you like crazy😔

Retweets:jakepaul,Anthonytrujillo and 12,000 more people 

Tears fall down, I get up and go to the bathroom, I slide down the door and cry,I put my head in my knees and cry 

I hear a knock on the door,Anthony opens it it sounds like Jake 

Jake:I saw her tweet where is she 

Anthony:in the bathroom 


I wipe my tears 

Tessa:who is it 

Jake:Jake and Anthony let us in 

Chance:ughhhhh Jake why you in here

Jake:today is the day Tessa mom died a week ago

I unlocked the door and moved to the bathroom and leant upon that,Jake and Anthony run up to me and hug me

Tessa:I miss her,I dont know how I'm going to live the rest of my live when I can bearly handle a week 

Jake:it will get easier Tess,it will

Tessa:but I think about her 24/7 she is constantly on my mind,her smile is constantly replaying in my mind 

Anthony:of course your going to think about your mom,but as life goes on you will get used to it,yeah it's going to be hard but your strong Tess 

I give a sad smile,I stand up and walk to the bed, them sitting next to me 

Tessa:thanks guys 

Jake:your welcome,what do you want to do today 

Tessa:I don't know you decide 

Jake:how about we go to a  theme park 

Tessa:yeah I would like that but there's an odd number and you all got eachother 

Jake:Erika is not feeling well,so she said earlier she will stay home today 

Tessa:ok yeah,chance,Anthony down

Anthony:of course,let's go wake the twins up and go for breakfast 

Tessa:you and Jake do that I will walk down with chance 

Chance who was laying on the bed

Anthony:ok bye 

They left,I got chance a sweatshirt and thew it at him

Tessa:get dressed we are going for breakfast 


I already had my Tessa brooks white sweatshirt on with red Jake Paul sweatpants and fluffy socks on,I just slipped on my white and black superstars 

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