Part 13

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I love reading your comments, thanks for saying I'm a good writer most of the time,I think I'm like the worst writer,but I may consider doing another tanthony fan fic of course I won't forget about this one,but I will let you know when I start another on,carry on with the story

Tessa p.o.v: so I woke up,in Anthony's arms I'm so glad we are friends again,but I woke up to the twins and chance talking about something, so I sit up and face them, speaking quietly because Anthony's still asleep

Tessa:what you talking about 

Chance:oh nothing important 

He then scratched his neck 

Tessa:yeah it is, because you Anthony and Jake,scratch your neck when your nervous or lying 

Chance:probably Ohio thing then but it's nothing and why are you in our room anyway 

Tessa:I had a nightmare about my mom

Then everything came back to me that my mom died yesterday,a tear fell down my cheek,chance pulled me into a hug

Twins:I'm so sorry Tess 

I nod,I get up to leave and leave go to my room,shut the door slid down it and cry,I miss my mom so much all I want to do is hug her right now. I burst into tears put my head and my knees and just cry.

Knock....knock...knock,I wipe my tears and ask 

Tessa:who is it?

Jake:Jake can I come in 

Tessa:I'm about to get in the shower talk after

Jake:Tess I can tell your sitting against the door let me in 

Tears come to my eyes,I open the door and run into his arms he hugs back

I wisper loud enough for him to hear 

Tessa:I miss my mom 

Jake:I know Tess I know 

We pull away 

Tessa:why did you come knocking on my door what do you need 

Jake:forgot now 

I nod,I walk back in, decide to hop in the shower,after the shower I put a white Tessa brooks sweatshirt on and red Jake Paul trackies on. I tweet on Twitter 

Tessa: guys there's not going to be a video for 1-2 weeks on my channel I'm sorry,my mom died yesterday and finding it very hard,I love you guys ❤️ 

Lots of them tweeting me,like rip and stuff what was thoughtful, after that I decide to go downstairs to see everyone huddled round the table,so I go to the office and text Erika 

Me:what time are you going to be here xx

Erika💝-around 4:15 xx

Me:ok see you then xx

I really want to know what they are talking about so I go on the stairs,where they can't see me but I can hear them

Chance:so where should we take her 

Jake:she's told me that she's always wanted to go Spain 

Twins:yes go Spain 

Anthony:of course you would want to go Spain,but like where


To be honest I have always wanted to go Barcelona so if they pick that it would be nice

Jake:yeah let's take her to Barcelona 

They all agree 

Jake:so going to Barcelona for 10 for all of us 

Tanthony[tesssa brooks +Anthony Trujillo]Where stories live. Discover now