Part 46

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Anthony's p.o.v: I can't believe Tessa actually went home,but I just really want to know why she was so upset. No one knows she has left except me Jake Erika and chance we will tell the guys tomorrow 

Erika has just went to her room,now me Jake and chance are talking,we are talking till its late we all decide that we will leave early tomorrow. So I'm just heading to bed,just thinking about Tessa.

Next day 

So we all heading down for breakfast when Nick ask

Nick:where's Tessa

Jake:she went back to la last night,we don't know why she just left,so after breakfast we are leaving to go back to la 

They agreed we ate breakfast packed everything up and went to the team 10 van,it felt different without Tessa.

Tessas p.o.v: I didn't sleep at all last night,being in the team 10 all alone at night is creepy,I bascially cried all night, I can't believe Erika actually cut herself,especially on the hardest day of my life when I needed her. Especially because my sister killed herself and she cut herself 

So right now I'm on my phone in the office with Kade,he didn't come he was busy,he didn't question me at all.

I heard a car doors being shut and a lot of People talking it is 12 o'clock. I'm still really upset about the whole thing. Emilo comes in first,then Ivan,Nick, Erika,Jake,chance then Anthony I don't say anything 

Kade goes out there to greet them,

Anthony:where's tessa? 

Kade:in the office

Anthony and Erika walk in great,Erika I don't want to see her right now. Anthony gives me a hug and  pulls up a chair for him and Erika,ughhhhhh.

Anthony:it looks like you haven't slept 

Tessa:I haven't I got scared being in this house at night alone is freaky 

I walk away,I couldn't stand to have her presence near me or I will burst into tears.

Jake pulls me into a hug



Jake:do you want to talk to me about it 

Tessa:yeah can you come up to my room now?

Jake:yeah sure,guys going up to Tessas room don't come in she's telling me secrets 

We walk upstairs to my room,he shuts the door

Tessa:so why I got upset is because she made herself that low,she cut herself,she was thinking about herself that day,she didn't even acknowledge that my sister killed herself and to see Erika cuts and a state really hurt me,I just shut myself away because I was shocked and tramitised alittle bit,I can't even look her in the eyes Jake and she is always near me or Anthony and I can't even get any Anthony time because she's there,when you came to the room last night,she was hugging Anthony,sitting next to Anthony at the dinner,then in the office when I could of told him

I was in tears in this point 

Tessa:yesterday was the day I needed her to support me but she traumitised me instead 

He pulls me into a hug with a  tear rolling down his cheek

Jake:I get it Tess I really do 

Tessa:thanks Jake 

We walked out and downstairs,everyone was in the kitchen and I sat on the sofa,Anthony came over and so did Erika ughhhhhhh

I look at Jake and he sees what's going on,I stand up and go to the kitchen and whisper in his ear

Tanthony[tesssa brooks +Anthony Trujillo]Where stories live. Discover now