Part 15

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Tessa p.o.v: I did not sleep at all last night and we were supposed to go to a water park today,I do feel tired but not as tired as I should be,right now it's 6:45 all night I've a lot of thinking and crying. I'm now getting ready for the water park

I'm putting my black addias bikini on,with a sweatshirt on because for breakfast and some sorts. I'm packing a bag with a towel,somewhere to put my phone and some bathing oil and some room for a portable charger, and a sweatshirt and some shorts 

I put my hair up in a ponytail, and my black slip ons. I check the time and it's 7:10am, 30 minutes later,I hear a knock on my door, I open it and see Jake 

I let him in 


I yawned 

Jake:hey I'm going to wake the Martinez twins up and you go wake up Anthony and chance 


Jake:how did you sleep 



Jake:good ok I'm going to wake them up ok 

I nod,I walk out with him go to chance and Anthony's room,but there's door locked so I knock on it 

Soon enough chance opened it and let me in

Tessa:morning Jake told me to wake you up sorry

He nodded and yawned, I walked over to Anthony's bed and play with his hair and he wake up, pulls me down so I'm laying and hugs me,I hug back 


Chance:aye nice bestfriend your supposed to be you wake me up and not give me a hug but him


I go to give him a hug but Anthony pulls me back down 

Tessa:sorry,Anthony let go of me I will hug you in a minute 

He lets go I give chance a hug,then go back to Anthony

Anthony:how did you sleep then

Tess:you want the fake Veronica the real version 

Anthony:the real 

Tessa:I didn't sleep,not even a peak I couldn't 

Anthony:oh Tess why didn't you just come in here,sleep with me or chance 

Tessa:I tried but because your door was locked and didn't want to wake you up in the middle of the night knocking 

Anthony:oh sorry about that 

Tessa:don't worry,but none of you tell Erika and Jake 


Tessa:because I can't say secret I promise I wouldn't 

Anthony started tickling me 

Anthony:tell us 

Tessa:ok there together, I only know because I made it happen but don't you dare tell anyone ok 

They both promised 

Tessa:why not tell them I didn't sleep because I let Erika stay in jakes room for the rest of the nights and if you tell them they will let Erika back in my rom I don't mind but I don't want her to move back in here because of me 

They both agreed,then Anthony put a team 10 sweatshirt on and chance but an OHIOO one on and we walked down. To meet everyone outside the food area 

Tanthony[tesssa brooks +Anthony Trujillo]Where stories live. Discover now