Part 19

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Tessas p.o.v: I woke up to Jake jumping on me and Anthony,why, I moaned so did Anthony 


Jake:because it's 8:45

Tessa:next time your staying in here I'm going to my room and locking my door

Anthony:I'll come As well 

Jake:fine next time I woke wake you up until 9:20 that's the latest I'm doing 


So I decided to turn round and look at Anthony,he smiled at me,his dimples hid  smile and his dark eye,I gave a smile back but I digged my face in his chest and he put his arms around me, I felt safe 

My phone went off from a call-my sister Taylor,I answered it and sat up and put it on speaker

Tessa:hey Tay what's up 

Taylor:my dad didn't want me to tell you because we knew you were on holiday and wouldn't come back for 10 days and we couldn't wait so yesterday was the day we sent of mom at the funeral I'm so sorry Tess 

Tears fill my eyes 

Tessa:I gotta go bye

I hung up and digged my face in Anthony's chest,he hugged me back. I just cried chance and Jake heard to but I guess they were shocked, I was so angry and upset,I was breaking down I threw my phone and walked out,I couldn't even say bye to my own mom.

I walked to the twins room,because they were my best friends and I needed them, so I shook them they looked at me confused 

Emilo:Tessa what's wrong 

Tessa:my family had my moms funeral without me yesterday because I was on holiday 

They pulled me into there bed and hugged me,I'm so appreciative of the twins and for everyone 

Tessa:thanks guys for always being there


I gave both of them a hug and said

Tessa:I'm going back to my room meet you at breakfast 


So I walked back into chance and Anthony's room and went on Anthony bed and faced the wall,I didn't want to hear and speak to anyone, soon enough Anthony came and hugged me from behind,I turned round to face and digged my face into his chest and cried 

Jake and chance joined the hug 

Jake:I'm so sorry Tess 

Tessa:thank you 

Chance:let's go for breakfast 

Tessa:I'm not coming not hungry 

They got of me then I was lifted up over Anthony's shoulder

Tessa:put me down 

Anthony:no your eating if you like it or not 

Tessa:you can't just make me eat 

Anthony:we can 

Soon enough we were near the food area he put me down and bascially pushed me in 

I sat down at the table and while they were getting the food I just left and went to the lobby because I left my key at chance and Anthony's,and Anthony has the key 

I like the lobby no one bearly goes in there and it's big and it's quiet,so I decided to cry Abit no one came down and passed me it was only the person at the desk and they were mostly on there phones

Tanthony[tesssa brooks +Anthony Trujillo]Where stories live. Discover now