Your Life Is A Dream. Mine Is A Nightmare. - Chapter 3

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~Chapter 3~

Family is Everything

And so I walked home still in a slight daze. I passed Summer's house and I could see her and her mother playing checkers on the dining table. Summer looked up from her game, smiled, and waved. I waved back at her. Marisol, her mom, looked at what she was smiling at, saw me, and smiled. Then there was my house and for some really strange reason my gut told me that something bad was about to happen. I ignored it though. What's the worse that could go wrong? I thought. Dark clouds began to form. I opened the garage and saw Malaya lying down in her cage. I took her out and hugged her. She sure was bigger that she used to be. I kissed her and unlocked the door. Weirdly she hide behind me and whimpered softly like a frightened child.

"Its okay, girl," I comforted her. I calmingly stroked her fur like a caring mother to a child. I slowly opened the door and it loudly creaked. It seemed different in the house, too.

"Dad," I yelled, "I'm home,"

At first there was no answer just the silence. As I walked through the kitchen I noticed the beer cans scattered everywhere, near the TV in the living room and everywhere on the ground and table of the kitchen. Dad probably had a party. I thought to myself. But then again a lot happened so he could've changed. I walked cautiously back to the door to the garage hoping he didn't hear me. When I opened the door it creaked louder than usual, you could hear it from a mile away. Suddenly there was someone thundering down the stairs. A mysterious stranger was right in front of the carpeted stairs glaring at me. It took me a while to notice that it was my dad. He was wearing a white shirt and baggy jeans. Though I wasn't too close to him I had a faint whiff of alcohol on his breath. My dad never drank and I really meant that. The most I've seen him drink was probably a glass or two of champagne at a wedding or New Year's Day. He had dark circles under his usually kind soft eyes which were cold and dark. I was guessing he didn't get much sleep or take a nap. There was a strange aura and my gut was telling me to run, but it was too late.

"Where the hell were you?" he shouted. My dad was very gentle and I'd never seen him like that before, red in the face with anger. When he was usually angry his face would get red and he would take some deep breathes to calm himself down.

"I told you I was going on a walk. Then I met some really nice people. Sometime you should.."

"I don't give a damn about that!" he screamed at me. Outside it began to drizzle, little pitter-patters on the glass window. A tight knot formed in my stomach. "Just so you know its all your fault that your mother died!" My stomach tightened even more. How the hell could he think that? This was the first time someone blamed me for her death and boy did it hurt. Tears were starting to form.

"You know it not my fault!" I tried to say it straight, but my voice faltered a bit.

"Dammit! Its your fault! If you didn't have that stupid birthday she would be alive!" he moved closer.

"Its not my fault!" I said again but weaker. The world seemed like it would come to an end. Everything around me was spinning as that devil moved closer.

"Hell it is! If only you were never born!" I slight pain went in my chest like a knife was stabbed through the delicate muscle. I didn't have time to react because right then and there my father kicked me to the wall.

"You're a useless bitch," he punched me in the face, my face stinging with the agony. The tears rolled down my cheeks from the pain in my heart and the pain of the harsh hits. At the window I could see the rain pouring down and the brisk wind blowing the tree's branches.

Suddenly Malaya bravely jumped into the scene. She bit my dad's leg which began to bleed from the bite as he shrieked with fury and pain. He fell to the floor like an old puppet. This is my chance. I sprinted for the door with Malaya following close behind. The scene was definitely a nightmare, no even worse. I was praying that I would wake up sooner or later. And have everything go back to normal. But for a fact I knew that would never happen. I ran to Summer's house and knocked as quickly and loudly as I could. It opened and Summer and Marisol, Summer's mom likes it when we call her by her first name because it makes her feel younger, were standing there. Summer smiled because she was glad to see me, but her mouth fell right open in shock.

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