Your Life Is A Dream. Mine Is A Nightmare. - Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Little Family Reunion

It was too late. His father had already noticed my presence. He just looked at me, observing. The world seemed to suddenly stop as my heart began to race. Why did I just prance into this awkward situation? I thought about backing away slowly and running, but I just stood there waiting for something to happen. I looked over at Chris who was just staring at his dad, then the trees, then the sky, and back again. What the heck is that kid doing? I wondered. Couldn't he see that I needed him to say something? What is going through his head? No matter what I did I couldn't read Chris's mind. It was like a brick wall was standing in between us.

His father finally broke the silence by saying, "Chris, do you know this rude annoying girl?" Rude annoying girl!? Isn't that a great first impression? I managed to stand there dignified. Chris turned around like he just noticed and acknowledged me. Somehow he seemed different in a way that I couldn't exactly point out. It wasn't his appearance or his expressions. Suddenly I looked into his eyes. His eyes weren't the gentle, kind ones I knew. They were more of an ice cold blue, sending chills all over my body. Just when I got out of my father situation I get dragged into another one. This year just keeps getting better by the second. His father demanded for an answer. Chris just stared at me like I was a ghost or worse a complete stranger. The look in his eyes was unrealistic. I knew he knew me, but how come he isn't responding?

"No father. She's just a nobody. I've never seen her before," He just looked at me again, "Maybe she's a stalker or a fan of mine," My heart shattered. A stalker?! A fan?! Is this guy some kind of narcissist? Who in their right mind would want to stalk him? I was utterly shocked and hurt. All of this was way to much for me to handle. Everything I believed in was crumbling.

"My dear, why are you still standing there?" I turned toward his father, "He says he doesn't know you at all. So I don't get the point of you staying unless you really are some weird stalker of some sort," My eyes were filling with tears, but with all my strength I managed to keep them in.

"I'm not a stalker or a fan of you son," I hissed, "I'm just a regular girl who mistook this guy as my friend. I'm sorry I guess I was wrong... About everything," I abruptly turned and ran off into the woods. I couldn't help it, but all my strength had disappeared so I the only resort I had left was to cry. I leaned against a moist tree, closed my eyes and cried. I looked up into the sky and prayed for some miracle. The only thing I needed now was my mom to comfort me, but that dream was taken away from me a long time ago. I slowly slid down onto the wet ground covered in leaves. Nothing was right anymore. Two of the most important things to me were gone. My mom and Chris.

I managed to stop crying. I was able to find a small bubbling creak near by. I glanced at my reflection, looking at my swelled up eyes. With the cool water I managed to make the puffiness less noticeable. I trudged back up to the park. I took the precautionary to check and see if Chris was still with his father. Sad enough he and his father were still sitting at the blanket, but now were eating. I sneaked over to the play ground with the success of the people in the little family reunion not noticing me. I used the monkey bars to get onto the main area, crossed the wooden bridge, stepped onto the colorful mushroom heads, swung on a rope, landed on the other side, crawled through a tunnel, climbed a pole, and lied on the roof of the play area. Whenever I came to the park with my mother she would make a little obstacle course for me. We would race and time each other. If I won she would pay for ice cream, but if I lost I had to pay. I usually won because she was to tall for the tunnel and would often hit her head or scrape up her knees. Sometimes she would be to afraid to climb onto the roof because she was afraid of heights. I would usually buy strawberry ice cream with chocolate syrup and oreos in a waffle cone. My mother would get the classic vanilla ice cream in a cup. She was a very original person.

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