John 2

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4:00 pm

John clenched and unclenched his hands. He looked at the clock; 4:00 pm. Sherlock was still not home. He glanced at his phone again; no texts,no voicemails, nothing from him. He sat back in his chair. Was life really this boring before he met Sherlock? What had he done before? There was a knock on the door; it was Mrs. Hudson.

"John dear, what are you doing?"

"Just uh, just sitting here, Mrs. Hudson."

"Are you looking for something to do?"

"I suppose, why?"

"Well, I have some errands to run, would you like to come with me?"

"Sure," he figured it was "old lady errands", but even those were better than nothing, "I'll go with you." Mrs. Hudson smiled and told him to get his coat, they were going to be out for a while. John sighed, he hoped Sherlock would come home soon.

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