Sherlock 6

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Sherlock stood, waiting. Zaphod was preparing to send him back down to Earth. He had a nervous feeling in his stomach, he had never done anything like this before.

"Any time now, guys! I'm ready to leave!" Sherlock tapped his foot impatiently. Zaphod walked into the room with a smile.

"So, you're sure you want to leave? Or at least go back to this planet?"

"Yes Zaphod."

"Alright, well, before you do, here." Zaphod handed Sherlock a small slip of paper. "Anytime that Anderson guy is bothering you or you just want to leave for a little, call me and I can pick you up. You're actually a pretty cool guy." Sherlock was about to hand it back, but thought about the offer. Getting away from it all, especially Anderson, sounded pretty good. He pocketed the number, vowing to keep it safe.

"Thanks, Zaphod. Good luck with being the president of the galaxy." Zaphod smiled and hugged Sherlock a little tighter than he would've liked to be hugged.

"Alright Ix, send him back!" Zaphod stepped back and waved. Sherlock waved, but was suddenly pulled down, the room spinning.

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