John 4

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It was the second day that Sherlock was gone. John was bored again. He had had enough "Mrs. Hudson time". He checked his phone; it was now becoming a habit. Every time he would turn it on to see no new notifications. He sighed. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. He stood up, hoping that, just maybe, it was Sherlock. He opened the door and found Mycroft standing there, leaning on his umbrella.

"Oh, hello Mycroft." John said, a little disappointed. Mycroft stepped into the room.

"Hello John. I've come to talk to my brother." He looked around, obviously looking for Sherlock; he wasn't in his chair as he usually was.

"What?!" John looked panicked. "No, no no no!" Mycroft looked at him, confused.

"Why not?"

"BECAUSE I THOUGHT YOU KNEW!!" John started to panic.

"John, calm down, what's wrong?"


"John. Calm down and explain." He sat John down in his seat.

"Ok, well, yesterday, I woke up in the living room and he was gone. He fell asleep in the living room too, ok? Anyways, I woke up and he was gone. He didn't come back all day yesterday, and he hasn't contacted me or anything. I've called him like 7 times and I've sent him 15 texts, but he hasn't responded. The guys at the police station aren't that concerned, and then I thought that maybe he was doing something with you, like business or something, but now you have to go and say that you think he's here!" John exhaled. Mycroft walked slowly around John's chair.

"So, you're saying that Sherlock has disappeared without a trace and no one knows where he is."

"Uh, I suppose, yes."

"Oh. Alright." Mycroft thought for a moment. "He'll probably show up." He shrugged and left John sitting in his chair.

"What?" Said john. Mycroft turned around in the doorway.

"What do you mean 'what'?"

"I mean, your brother is gone, and you don't care!"

"John, it's not like that. He does stuff like this sometimes, I mean usually responds to texts or calls, but I wouldn't worry. I mean it only has been a day." He nodded and left John. John sat back in his chair and sighed. Sherlock come home soon.

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