John 6

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Sherlock's disappearance had gone into the newspapers. For days the front cover of the local papers screamed "London's Greatest Detective Missing in Action!" or something similar. Reporters constantly attacked John with their questions and he soon stopped going out, Mrs. Hudson ran errands for him. He was greatly stressed, the police force had no lead on what had happened to Sherlock. It was as if he just disappeared into thin air. His coat still hung on the hook, and his clothes were still in his dresser, the only thing that was missing was his pajamas, what he was wearing when he went missing. The only odd thing was that his shoes were also missing. John assumed he had just gone out for a walk or a drink in the middle of the night and was kidnapped or mugged-or worse, killed. He couldn't think of Sherlock lying dead in an alley way. Mycroft seemed upset as well. He came over to the flat a couple of times and seemed oddly tense or nervous. He had a good reason to be, his little brother was missing and no one, not even the government, had any idea where he was. Mycroft had people searching for Sherlock as well, but he kept that to himself.

Finally, getting tired of being stuck inside, John left, and headed down to the police station. Lestrade walked over to him.

"Anything from Sherlock?"


"Well, we're still searching, John."

"Thanks." John walked over and sat next to Anderson. "Hi Anderson."

"Hi John. Still nothing from Sherlock?"


"Wow, that's weird. You know, it's kind of like he's been abducted or something!"

"Shut up, Anderson."

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