Chapter 10

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"Shit" I mumble to my self when my alarm clock goes off. I am meant to work today and I forgot to call them yesterday to say that I had to quite because of my rib. I quickly jump out of bed and grab my phone off charge. It's 7 in the morning so hopefully my boss Ellie will be there. I dial Ellie's number and on the fourth ring she answers. I explain to her about what has happened and she said that its alright and she hopes I get better. I walk down the stairs and when I get down to the bottom I start to feel dizzy and a bit sick. So I walk over to the couch and lie down.


"Grace. Grace. Are you ok?" my mum said as I slowly open my eyes.

"W-what." I say looking around the room.

"Darling I think you fell asleep when you got down here."

"Uh um yeah I wasn't feeling well and then I must of fallen asleep when I was lying down." I say as I walk into the kitchen and grab an apple.

"Ok honey well it's 10 and I have to do a food shop today. What are you going to do."

"I think I'll just stay home, I am still not feeling the best."

"Ok well I'll see you this afternoon and today I will search around for some different uni courses'

"Um yeah ok"I say walking up to my room and checking my phone. I scroll through my Instagram but there's nothing new. I decide to lay up on my bed for a while and just look through my phone. I look through some apps and play candy crush. When I get too frustrated I give up and decide to look through something else. I look at all my different apps and the one that catches my eye is my period dairy. I only have the app because of when I dance I have to wear a leotard and tights so I need to be prepared. I look through and realise that I was meant to get my period one and a half weeks ago. That's unusual normally I get it on time. Maybe my body is just going through some changes.

I walk down stairs and make my self some toast with strawberry jam on it. I walk over to the couch, sit down and watch the latest episode of dance moms.

*Ring ring ring ring*

I pick up my phone and its the owner of my dance school.

"Hey, I'm so sorry to hear about your rib."

"Yeah I hope that it will be better soon and I will be able to come back to dance." I say

"Yes I hope so to. So take care and don't get into to much trouble."

"I won't. Bye" I say hanging the phone up. I walk over to the kitchen and do some of the washing up before heading back up to my room to get ready for the day.

I put on a plain black singlet top and my denim jeans. Then walk into the bathroom and turn on my straightener. I quickly do my hair and then grab my phone off my bed before walking down stairs.

* beep beep*

I check my phone and I have a missed call from mum so I quickly call her back.

"Grace why didn't you answer the phone when u called you?" she screams at me.

"Sorry I was getting changed."

"That's not good enough Grace. I don't even know why I bother with you anymore." I don't reply and it is silent for a few seconds.

"Anyway I have found a uni course that you might be interested in."

"Ok." I say not very enthusiastically.

"Are you able to drive to my work now and we can have a talk and maybe go and look at the uni?"

"Ok. What uni is it?" I question

"Lakewood Uni. It's about a 20 mins drive from our place."

"Ok well I will see you in about 20 minutes depending on the traffic."

"Ok bye."

"Bye" I say hanging up the phone and walking out to my car.

I start the engine and turn on the radio. 'She looks so perfect' is playing and I turn the volume up and start singing at the top of my lungs which is usually what I do in the car while I'm driving to keep myself entertained. There is not much traffic so hopefully I will be at my mums work soon and I'm not feeling sick anymore so hopefully today will be a good day.

A/N: Hey guys, sorry I haven't been updating for a while. I have been extremely busy but since it is school holidays I will be able to update more often so please comment of what you think so far.

Thankyou and keep reading xx

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