Chapter 12

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"Hey" I say as I walk in the front door of Brittany's house."I am so sorry to just invite myself over with very short notice. I think I just need some time away from my mum for a little while after what has happened."

"It's ok, we all need space and I am always here for you if you need a shoulder to lean on." She says pulling me into a hug.

Just as she lets go a guy walks down the stairs who looks about my age. He has bright blue eyes that go well with his tanned skin a brown hair.

"This is my cousin Luke who I was telling you about."

"It's nice to meet you." He says greeting me with a handshake and giving me a small wink before walking into the kitchen.

"So do you want to put your stuff up stairs?"Brittany asks

"Ummm yeah and I will text mum that I am at your house or she will be worried if she so sent know where I am." I say as we walk up the stairs and into her room. I dump my bag on her bag and then text mum.

"Hey I have dance tonight so if you want you could come and watch" Brittany suggests

"Umm yeah that should be fun. I miss coming to dancing with you."

"When will you come back dancing its no fun without you." She says

“My rib will hopefully be healed in about 3 more weeks so hopefully as soon as my rib gets better I will slowly get back into dancing.” I say

“I wish that you never broke your rib”

“Yeah well I wish that when I first meet Logan I saw how much of an idiot he is.”

“I know but you can forget about him now hopefully you won’t see him again and there isn’t much that will remind you him.” She says and thoughts of my scares come rushing back to me. Maybe I should tell Brittany what happened but then again I think it’s better for me to keep it to myself.

“Ok umm so what time is dance on tonight?” I ask

"Its 6-8 so do you want to go down stairs and have dinner?”

“Yeah that should be good. What will we have for dinner?”

“Umm I think there is some leftover Chicken stir-fry from last night so we can have that if you like.”

"Yeah that sounds nice."I say as we walk into the kitchen. We heat up our meal and then sit down at the table before eating dinner.

"Hey what are you guys doing tonight?" Luke asks us as we put our plates in the dishwasher.

"Well I have dancing tonight and Grace is going to come and watch and then we will get home and probably watch a movie or something. Why?" Brittany says.

 "I was thinking maybe we could hang out or something." He says smiling at me.

"Well when we get home we could all watch a movie together." I say

"Yeah that sounds good" Brittany says.

"Ok well I will see you when you get back." Luke says as he walks into the living room.

We both walk upstairs to Brittany's room and get ready to go to dancing. Brittany puts on a leotard and then grabs her ballet shoes and pointe she. We then walk out to her car and drive to the dance studio.


"Hey miss." I say as we walk in the door.

"Ohh Grace how are you darling?"

"I am good thankyou."

"How is your rib? I hope it is getting better." She says.

"Its getting better. I cant wait to get back into dancing. I don't now what to do with myself."

"Well everyone here misses you so it will be a good night having you sitting in on the class." She says as we walk through the corridor and into studio 1. I miss dancing it was always something that I could do and it would take my mind off everything that happened that day. I cant wait until my rib gets better. I don't know why I ever went out with Logan in the first place, I do not know what I saw in him. All I see now is a rude man that jumps from girl to girl making out with them and not knowing how to treat them properly to make them feel like they mean something.

When I walk into the studio everyone runs up to me and gives me a massive hug. Everyone seems so excited to see me even though I have only been away for a week. I walk out to the front of the Studio and sit down in a chair in the corner of the room. Everyone starts dancing and all of the memories come back. The first time a took a class at the dance school and all the happy memories I have had with all my friends. I wish I could be up there dancing with them.

When the class finishes we stay back for a little while and talk to some of my friends and also have a talk to my teacher about some exercises that I can be doing so that I don't loose my strength.

"Ok well bye everyone. I will hopefully see you in the next couple of weeks." I say as we walk out to Brittany's car.

"Bye " Everyone says as we get into the car and drive home.    

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