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Tears dropped from Sakura eyes as she read the end of the letter. She quickly folded the letter and placed it back in the flowers. She picked up the flowers and went racing down to Naruto's apartment. Her heart ached with a great pain she never knew that she could have. She knew this was it, all those symptoms she had really were love towards Naruto.

When did it start? When did it begin? When did this love start to blossom in her heart? Did it start when he came back to the village? Or when she first saw him in the four tails mode? That didn't matter, all she knew that she was in love with Naruto and she needed to him that.

Luckily for her Naruto's apartment wasn't far from here, only a few blocks away. She ran all the way there without stopping for a moment, she approached the small apartment building and ran upstairs to find Naruto's room. Sakura approached Naruto's room and knocked on the door quickly.

"Naruto! Naruto please open up!" she cried. "I'm so sorry I was late! I was needed at the hospital and-and when I got to the bench, you were gone!"

She began knocking again, hoping Naruto would soon open the door. She hoped he wasn't angry with her now for kind of standing him up. Sakura waited a few more moments and then knocked again. But there was still no answer, she didn't even hear him coming to the door. She pressed her forehead gently against the door. All these feelings welling up in her, she couldn't take them. She needed to get them out.

"Naruto, I'm sorry, I wanted to meet with you! I read the note that you left with the flowers. I want you to know, I know that you love me!"

She closed her teary eyes and pressed her lips together, "I know I don't deserve you, but I love you too!"

Sakura heard a light thud behind her, she quickly spun around and saw that Naruto was now before her. His mouth a gap, his eyes wide with awe of what he most likely just heard, "What did you say, Sakura-chan?"

Sakura smiled gently, "Baka... I said, I love you!"

"Is-is this a dream?" he asked.

Sakura walked up to him and placed her hands on his chest, Naruto looked down at her unsure of what to do. His mind and heart were racing. His hands rose and was about to place them on her hips. But stopped in fear he may disrespect her.

Sakura looked up at him with a puzzled look, "Naruto you're supposed to put your hands on my hips. You want to kiss me don't you?"

"More-more than anything! Are you sure it's okay for me to touch you like this?"

"Of course it is," she replied, taking his hands and placing them on his hands on her hips.

Naruto blushed deeper, never in his wildest, okay maybe in his wildest dreams, that he would actually be with Sakura like this. In this kind of position. Sakura ran her small hands, up his chest and to his broad shoulders. She stood on her tip toes, leaned forward, and slowly closed her eyes. Naruto closed his eyes and leaned forward too. If this was a dream, he never wanted to wake up. The girl he loved, was finally returning his feelings, about to kiss him.

Naruto's lips finally touched Sakura's gently. How soft they felt, just like he imagined that they would be. He pressed his lips a bit more to Sakura's, he felt her immediately begin to return the kiss. Naruto's heart felt like it was going to explode, he was sure that Sakura could hear how loudly it was beating.

Sakura slowly pulled away, and looked up at Naruto, a deep blush covered her face. Naruto's eyes remained closed, he was probably trying to take what just happened all in still. He was probably in the frame of mind that this was a dream still.

"Naruto," Sakura said. "Earth to Naruto."

"Okay, I'm pretty sure I just died and went to Heaven or this a dream." he said, opening his eyes again. "Please, don't let this be a dream."

"I promise to you it's not a dream," Sakura took Naruto's hands in her's. "I love you, Naruto. I really, truly love you!"

Naruto smiled brightly, "I'll forever hold you to that!" he exclaimed, as he kissed her forehead gently.

Sakura just smiled.


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