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             As the sun set outside Yamanaka Flower Shop, Ino was clearing the cash register counting all the sales made for the day. Yamanaka Flower was owned by the Yamanaka clan and it had since been run by Ino since the death of her father Inoichi during the fourth shinobi world war. It had been three years since the war and the shinobi world was at peace, there were only minor conflicts between the villages but nothing that the kages couldn't agree upon.   

           Ino was now closing up the flower shop and ready to set off home, as she set upon her normal route to get home she stared into the sky pondering about love and how all her fellow class mates have either started dating or are at least making some sort of move towards the opposite sex.

          Sasuke who once was a rogue ninja ... he is now dating Sakura. Naruto and Hinata seem to be playing hard to get, Shikamaru and Temari doing their long distance relationship, Choji has been living in the cloud village with Karui and then there is Kiba who has some sort of fetish relationship with some cat women.NO he's not my type and I'm not being seen with a guy wearing some sort of onesie outfit everywhere,  no way! He always looks depressed in his shades and the bugs .It was getting dark now and Ino had arrived home to her two bedroom apartment, as she turned the door handle to enter inside.

          "What in the hell! Shika ... Shikamaru and Sai? What are you two doing in my apartment?" Ino asked with a surprised look on her face. Shikamaru and Sai were both sat at the kitchen table with Ino's laptop open. Ino's apartment was small but very well furnished and decorated, her walls were covered in pink flowery pattern wallpaper and her furniture was all of the latest fashion."I needed to send Temari an email and Sai knows about computers from reading so he's helping me." Shikamaru said in a less than enthusiastic tone. Ino had no problems with Shikamaru or Choji using her things in fact she has grown accustomed to them just using her things without her permission.

          "I needed to send Temari an email and Sai knows about computers from reading so he's helping me." Shikamaru said in a less than enthusiastic tone. Ino had no problems with Shikamaru or Choji using her things in fact she has grown accustomed to them just using her things without her permission."Alright I'm heading off, Ino thanks for letting me use your laptop ... I'll see you around Sai thanks again." Ino and Sai both nodded and waved goodbye as Shikamaru closed the front door behind him. Ino looked over at Sai and smiled."So Sai long time, haven't seen you around ... busy with missions?" Ino asked."Yeah missions and trying to study how to talk to people in an appropriate way as Lady Tsunade would say." Sai chuckled."haha... awwww is any of that studying paying off." Ino cheekingly smiled, Sai blushed and looked towards the floor  "haha maybe." Ino started thinking to herselF.He's grown up quite a lot since first meeting him.   Sai stood up off his chair."I should probably head off as well it's getting late." Sai said looking at Ino's plush face. "Oh ok, are you still living with Captain Yamato?" Asked Ino  ."Um a room and a bed?" Ino's voice went a bit high pitched."Goodnight Sai." Ino cheerfully replied.

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