I Fell For My Sensei

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Sakura sat in her seat half listening to her substitute art sensei, Naruto Uzumaki. She tried to listen wholeheartedly, but like the other girls, she found him incredibly handsome. He was tall and well built, his skin was tanned and flawless. His eyes were a beautiful sky blue and his hair was short and spiky. He loved art as much as she did and he was really talented too. He was kind, gentle, nice, and on occasions funny. The best part about it was that she got to sit in the front, where she was closest to him.

Naruto's eyes left the chalkboard and onto the students, all the girls were staring at him smiling, some were even blushing. Naruto looked down and smiled a bit. It was the same thing with every class he taught. Girls stared him. It had been like that ever since he had become a substitute. Naruto ran his fingers through his hair and smiled up at the class, "Today class, this will be my last day with you. Sai sensei will be returning, Monday."

There was an uproar among the girls as soon as Naruto said that. Sakura looked at the blond with a sad look, she knew it wasn't going to be permanent, but to hear that this was the last day she'd see him sadden her.

Naruto looked around the room and sighed, ah these were fun days, the kids actually cooperated with him. He looked at the girl sitting in the front row on the left, especially her, the girl who had a great passion for art, Sakura Haruno. Since a month ago, when he started substituting for Sai, he was interested in the young pinkette. He found her attractive from outside, in. But a grown man of twenty three with a seventeen year old, wouldn't that be pretty akward? He shook his head and then clapped his hands, "Alright class, it's time to see your homework assignments."

Sakura's heart lept out of her chest, her assignment! She had forgotten all about it, all last night she had drawn a collage of Naruto in different stances. Sakura ran her fingers through her hair nervously as Naruto approached the first desk of the front row. He was going to be expecting something from her. She opened her backpack and rummaged through it. She found her sketch book and quickly pulled it out, flipping through the contents of the book. Sakura couldn't find a page where her sensei wasn't drawn in. She bit her lip as Naruto approached her desk, she looked up at him and he down at her.

"Haruno-san," he began. "I'm sure you have drawn something spectacular again?"

"Ah... about that." Sakura began, gently biting her lip. "I didn't draw anything Naruto sensei."

"You haven't? Then what's the sketch book in your hands?"

"Oh these, these-these are incomplete drawings." Sakura held the book close to her her chest.

Naruto gave her a surprised look, she had never been one to not turn in a assignment. Especially this one, this assignment was worth fifty percent of her grade in art. He sighed, he couldn't have her fail. "See me after class."

Naruto walked past her and to the back row. Sakura held her breath, her and Naruto, alone after class? The thought of it made her heart throb.


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