I Fell For My Sensei 2

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After class was over, all the girls gathered around Naruto saying good bye and wishing him luck. Sakura remained in her seat completely still, watching the scene. Her heart racing a million miles a minute, her palms were moist from sweat, her throat was dry as the Sand Village. After a few moments the girls finally left the room. Naruto sighed with relief and shut the door as the final girl left, Sakura swallowed hard, a lump formed in her throat. Naruto looked toward her as he took a seat at his desk, "Haruno-san." He motioned for her to come.

Sakura got up from her seat and approached the desk slowly, her legs shook slightly as she approached. Naruto looked at her, hands clasped together, "I don't believe for a moment you didn't do that assignment. You're a very responsible young lady."

"No sensei, I really didn't. I've been distracted."

Naruto blinked, so she really didn't do her assignment? Surprising! He rubbed his chin, still he didn't want to fail her, "Maybe you can finish one of the those incomplete drawings and hand one into me."

"I um," Sakura paused, a faint blush spread across her cheeks. "I can't do that."

"And, why not?" Naruto questioned. "Do you have something to do?"

Sakura shook her head, "They are already finished."

Naruto looked at her with a perplexed look on his face, just earlier she had told him that they were incomplete, now they were complete? Sakura had lied to him, "Haruno-san, why did you lie to me? Do you want to fail?" he began. "Let me see the book."

"But, I-" Sakura began.

"Now." he said sternly.

Sakura did want to, but did as she was told. She went back over to her desk, got her sketch book, and went back over to Naruto's desk. Naruto extended out his hand, she gave him the sketchbook and looked down. She knew once Naruto saw all those drawings of him, he was going to scold her or laugh or tell her mother and father. Naruto began to flip through the pages, his eyes widen to what he saw; it was him. Every page was a picture of him in a different pose while he was teaching, with different facial expressions. They were an exact likeness of him. Naruto closed the book and handed it back to her, "Here you go."

Sakura took the book and looked up at him, prepared for the worst. Naruto wasn't frowning, nor did he look angry, he was smiling. Sakura blinked a few times, he was happy she had drew him?

"Haruno-san, in all my years of teaching art, I've never seen more beautiful art than what's in that book," Naruto began. "And no, it's not because they are drawings of me."

"You-you really think they're good?" Sakura asked.

"Yes, BUT, you can't turn those in."

Sakura sighed, "I figured that much. Looks like I'm going to fail this semester."

"Not necessarily," Naruto said, beginning to pack his things in his brief case. "I'll have Sai extend the assignment til Monday for you. You can work on it over the weekend."

"Oh thank you, sensei!" Sakura exclaimed. "Thank you!"

"You're welcome."

They looked each other smiling gently, this was the last time they would see each other again. Well unless of course Naruto substituted for Sai again, but that was rare. Sakura laughed a bit to break the silence, "Um, well, I should... go." she said, gently.

"Yeah, um, you should," Naruto said, gently. "It was nice teaching you, Haruno-san."

Sakura bowed, "Thank you for teaching me."

She turned and went back to her desk to get her things. Naruto stared at the pinkette and perched his lips, from what he had just seen it seemed that Sakura was as attracted to him as he was her. He stood up just as Sakura was heading for the door, she looked back at him, "Good-bye." she said, gently but sadly. She began to open the door, but stopped when she felt Naruto gently grab her wrist. Sakura gasped gently and blushed a bit, what was this? She turned around and saw that her sensei was standing right behind, looking down shyly with a light blush across his own face.

"I'll miss you too much," Naruto began, looking up at her a bit. "Do think it would be it would be okay if I called you sometime?"

Sakura turned around and looked at Naruto in surprise, "But, you're-you're my sensei..."

"No, I'm not, this is my last day remember?" Naruto gently took Sakura's hand in his, Sakura looked at him and smiled, a bright blush now stained on her face. That's right, today was his last day there, he wasn't her sensei anymore, if they went out it would be okay. Naruto placed her hand to his lips and kissed it.

"I really like you Sakura-chan, I've liked you ever since the time I first saw you," He paused. "And judging by your sketch book you like me too?"

Sakura smiled gently and nodded, "I like you a lot sen- I mean, Naruto-san."

Naruto kissed her hand again, kissing every one of her fingers, "You don't think this is akward though? I mean with our age gap..."

"No, age doesn't mean much to me. Beside it's not like your fifty."

"Um, well." Naruto paused, his eyes shifted a bit.

"You mean you're really-!" Sakura paused, looking at blond. Naruto started laughing. "Oh, you tricked me!"

"Yeah, I'm not fifty, I'm really twenty-three, is that alright?"

Sakura nodded in response. Naruto smiled, leaned in, and kissed her forehead softly. Sakura closed her eyes and sighed gently, she had only had dreamed of a moment like this.

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