Jiraiya One-Shot Part 1/3

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This was a loose idea I had because I couldn't find any good Jiraiya one-shots, so I thought why the hell not.
Enjoy, or not. This was for my amusement.


(Y/N) sat in Ichiraku Ramen in silence, staring down at her bowl of noodles. The old man was serving Naruto now, a younger ninja of the Leaf Village. He was showing (Y/N) around as she was from the Village Hidden in the Mist. (Y/N) glanced around, she hadn't been to the Leaf since the Chunin Exams when she was 10 years old. That had been 16 years ago, not much had changed since then in the Leaf from what she could see.

(Y/N) looked up at Naruto as he ate his fifth bowl, smiling a bit at the foolish blond. He was a loveable oaf that was for sure.

Naruto looked down at her, grinning as he finished his bowl. "I guess we should go talk to Granma Tsunade since you're here, right?" He reaches into his wallet, groaning as he saw the amount he had. He paid for his meal, waited for her to pay her own before jumping up.

(Y/N) followed Naruto towards the Hokage's office, her arms crossed over her chest as she walked. She was a simple Jounin, less blood thirsty then the rest of her village. At 26 years, old she was only focusing on her team back at her village, and strengthening the bonds between her village and others.

Naruto knocked on the Hokage's door, "Hey Lady Tsunade!" He opened the door, moving his hands behind his head as walked in. Lady Tsunade was speaking with Master Jiraiya in urgent voices. They both looked up, looking at the two-coming in.

"Ohh whaaattttt!" A yell came from Jiraiya, his jaw dropping and eyes wide as he stared at the girl. "Who is this a lovely young laaaddaay?"

"This must be (Y/N) of the Mist, correct?" Lady Tsunade asked, glaring at Jiraiya.

"Hai!" (Y/N) grinned, folding her hands and bowing to the blond woman. "At your service ma'am." She pushed her bangs back, smiling brightly even with her cheeks turning bright red as the man stared at her.

Tsunade stepped back, punching Jiraiya upside his head. "Leave the poor girl alone you old perv!" She yelled, growling at him. "She is here for mission purposes only!"

She turned back to (Y/N) and Naruto, "Naruto please take Jiraiya with you, I have important matters to discuss with (Y/N)."
Naruto groaned, "I seriously get stuck with him?!" He still grabbed the gapping pervert towards the door, forcing him out and out of the building with him.


Naruto walks with Jiraiya, his arms behind his head. "I'm gunna go train til (Y/N) comes to find me." Jiraiya grins smoothly moving to follow Naruto, "How about I come and supervise your training, what do you say?"

Naruto looked up at him questioningly, "Um, why would you wanna...." Then it dawned onto him, "You just want to see (Y/N), don't you!"
"The pretty woman there would be a perk, she is much nicer than the rest of the rest of the female nin you hang around with."

Naruto glares up at him, but continues walking towards the training grounds. "Whatever, just try not to scare her away, alright Pervy-Sage?"

"I told you to stop calling me that!!"


(Y/N) left Lady Hokage's office, scroll of instructions in hand. She adjusted her outfit, glancing around. "Training grounds..." She murmured, gasping as she was pushed over. A large white dog now lay on top of her, sniffing her.

"Hey Akamaru what are you doing!" Gain a voice running towards them. (Y/N) whined, looking up at the dog just to see him being pulled off. A handsome tan man stood in front of her, red triangles on his cheeks. "Hey, are you okay?" He bent down, looking her over before holding his hand out to help her up.

(Y/N) hesitated, but took his hand in hers. He pulled her up with ease, grinning.
"Y-Yes, I am alright. I was just surprised." She responded, a bright smiling coming to her face as she saw his ninja headband. "Can you show me where the training grounds are? I am supposed to meet my escort Naruto Uzimaki there."

Kiba frowned, an anime cloud surround him as he mopped to himself, 'I never get to be with the hot ones.' He looked back at her, smiling again, "Yeah, come with me. My name is Kiba, and yours?"

"(Y/N), wonderful to meet you." She followed him close behind, "And who is he?" She asked, looking at the dog. "Oh, this is Akamaru! He must have smelled something he liked, he never jumps strangers without cause."

They talked small talk on the walk to the training ground, her not aware of Kiba's eyes tracing her body as they walked.

"Hey (Y/N!)" Naruto yelled, seeing her walking towards him with Kiba. Kiba grinned, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, "Hey, you're pretty cool. We'll have to hang out well you're in the village." She subconsciously nuzzled into Kiba, he was warm and comfortable.

Jiraiya sat under a tree not far from Naruto, a glare coming to his face. He crossed his arms as he stood up, his pulse starting to race. He watched Kiba leave, Naruto grabbing her and pull her to the center of the clearing. "Come here! I want you to see me train!"

Jiraiya rolled his eyes, walking towards the two. "I doubt the lady wants to see you train, Naruto." He grinned. Naruto scoffed, "Pervy-sage, you just want to research for your books."

(Y/N) cocked her head to the side, "Excuse me sir?" She looked up at the tall and broad white haired man. "What is your name, what books do you write?"

Jiraiya grinned widely, standing straight, "I am the Mountain Toad-Sage, the mystic and wonderful and legendary sanin, Master Jirayia!" He yelled, pumping his fist into the air.

(Y/N) cocked her head to the side, covering her mouth slightly as she giggled, trying to hide her amazement of meeting another of the legendary Sanin. "And your books, Jirayia-danna?"

He seemed to glow at the respect, ignoring Naruto groaning in the background behind her. "My dear, I am the author or Icha Icha." He grinned happily.

Her eyes widened slowly, "R-Really?"

"So you've heard of it!" He moved closer to her, smirking a bit.

(Y/N) blushed heavily, nodding slowly. Naruto threw his hands up in the air, "Another pervert, great!"

Jiraiya's expression turned sour as he looked at Naruto, (Y/N)'s blush increasing. "I am not a pervert," she began, "I am an adult with a strong libido." Naruto's face turned pink as he looked down at her. He quickly looked away, rubbing the back of his head.

She rolled her eyes, avoiding both their gazes, "Besides Naruto, have you ever heard of respecting your elders?" Naruto frowned as he looked back at her, "You're not much older than me, are you?" "Naruto, I am 26 years old." His eyes widened looking her over, "What?!"

Jiraiya grinned, moving closer to her and wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "How about I show you a good place to get a dri- "
"But I am her escort!" "Then you can come listen to adult conversations!"

(Y/N) laughed as she watched them, "How about you lead the way, Jiraiya-danna?"

He glowed again, turning and leading the way back into town.


(Y/N) smiled as she followed, working past Jiraiya's obnoxious laugh as they entered the little bar. She sat down across from him, next to Naruto. "Nothing really special in the Mist, I mainly focus on training my team. But they have a substitute leader well I am gone."

Naruto cocks his head to the side, "Are they genin?" "Yes they are, each graduated young from the academy. They will be participating in the Chunin exams in a few months' time."

Jiraiya poured her a cup of sake, watching her talk. He sighed abit, listening to her. Watching her drink and talk to Naruto he grinned, gulping down large amount of his own drink.

"Jiraiya, how do you look so young?" She asked out of the blue, her foot accidently touching his.

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