Fall For Me (Madara x Reader) Part 1

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Hey ya'll! I don't know Madara too well so I am so sorry if this is not his exact personality!

Requested by @shanicyse

Y/n stood still, along with the rest of her team. They were on a simple mission, taking a prince from one land to another. Simple work, only rogues to work with. Even though it was easy work y/n kept on her guard. She felt something uneasy, something was in the air. 

"Y/n, did you hear that?" mumbled one teammate, sliding kunai from his thigh bag.

She looked around carefully, listening to her teammates move closer to the prince they were transporting. 

Without a notice five kunai flew from the tops of the trees into y/n's stomach, causing a gasp of pain. She fell to her knees, moving to rip them out of her body. She had to help fight and these wounds wouldn't stop her. She may be the medical nin of the team, but she had fight in her.

"Y/n!" A teammate yelled as two of the team surrounded the prince. The other team mate, Akinari barked out, "Show yourselves! Now cowards!"He held a kunai up to protect his face. 

Without missing a beat three men jumped from the tree tops. Two masked men and one man with massive black hair. The black haired one held more kunai in his hands, his eyes on y/n. 

"Leave the girl, and the rest of you can go free." He spoke in a deep voice.

"Are you crazy? Who are you?" Akinari barked back, moving in front of y/n.

"I am Madara Uchiha, and I have claimed this girl as my possession." He spoke with ease, walking towards the group.

"You'll have to go throu-" Akinari began to speak, but was interrupted.

"I'll go with him." Y/n said, trying to stand up. 

"What, no you will not!"

"This is not a part of the mission, the mission is to get him there. Just come and get me later, or I'll escape. Just follow the mission." She murmured, finally standing up. "Just don't forget about me." With that she moved passed Akinari towards the man. Her mind racing, wasn't Madara Uchiha dead?

Madara grabbed onto her before the team could react, and vanished from sight.


She awoke slowly, pain in her stomach. "Fuck!" She whimpered, eyes widening as she realized she was being carried over someone's shoulder. She began to fight back against whoever was carrying her, kicking and trying to reach into her thigh bag. Though she found it empty.

"Stop squirming, we'll be there soon." Came the deep voice, causing y/n to realize her face was in a mass of black hair. 

Without a notice once again, he punched her in the stomach. Causing her to see stars.

"Mother fucker...I'm going to kill you..." She managed to growl before passing out of pain again.


Y/n slowly opened her eyes, wincing as she moved to sit up. Her eyes searched her surrounds, finding herself in a cave. "Fuck..." Her hand moved to her stomach, finding herself only in her shorts and wrappings that covered her stomach and chest.

Standing slowly, watching carefully, Y/n moved to find the entrance of the cave. But it was all blackness, only lanterns lighting the room. Y/n began to do the one thing she could do, walk further in the cave. 

After what seemed like forever she began to hear voices, causing her to move against the wall as she walked.

"She is not to escape, or I break your neck."

It sounded like Madara.

'Why does he want me so bad..?' She wondered, stopping to listen. With a pop she felt hands grip her arms, pulling them behind her back.

"Hello there.." He whispered in her ear, nuzzling into her hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2019 ⏰

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