Feeling (2/2) (Kisame x Reader)

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Requested by the darling 

I hope this last part is alright for my little sinners! I am dog sitting so, I'm kind of alright right now. I hope Kisame is in character enough for ya'll. I personally am not a fan when he is shown as a whiner cry baby and I felt hope I was able to show is brute murderous self with a touch of tender heart. Don't forget to comment and vote!

Also, if anyone would want me to add a third part to this (smut/lemon defiantly) I would happily do so.


(Y/N) sat on the side of the training room, knees to her chest. She was watching Kisame and his partner Itachi train together. She wore a pale pink dress that went to her mid thighs, her hair was in a French braid down her back.

Her mind was almost blank, trying to keep all thoughts out. She had been at this place for about two weeks now and she felt herself growing attached to Kisame. It was the way he hadn't forced himself on her, didn't make her sleep in the same bed with him. The way he seemed surprised and grateful when she asked him to sleep with her last night because she was having nightmares. He had happily obliged, letting her to choose to curl up into his chest herself. And surprisingly, (Y/N) didn't have a nightmare last night.

(Y/N) realized she was daydreaming when she felt breath on her lips. A gasp left her lips as she looked to see Hidan in front of her.

"Shut up," He murmured, bringing his finger to his lips. Quickly he grabbed her hand and dragged her away from where Kisame was training.

He dragged her to a room that smelt like warm, dry blood. After shutting the door behind him as grinned, pushing her to fall onto his bed.

(Y/N) yelped, "What are you-! Hey!" She pushed her hands up, trying to stop him from climbing on top of her. "Please stop!"

Hidan laughed, straddling her hips and pinning her hands above her head. "Mmmm Lord Jashin spoke to me, told me you were ripe for the taking. Damn, maybe after you're not pure anymore fish face won't want you, I could have you all for myself. Or fuck, I could kill you, depends on my mood."

She struggled against his grip, yelling out for help as he moved closer. His lips moved across her collar bone, up her neck. Whines left her lips, his hands moving up her sides.

Her mind was racing as she yelled for help, not registering that she was calling for specifically Kisame, her kidnapper. A moan reluctantly left her lips as he hands gripped her throat, choking her softly as his other hand slid up her dress to her chest.

"Someone likes it rough..." He smirked, growling into her lips as he kissed her roughly.

Suddenly his door slammed open, Kisame fuming in the doorway. "I said she was not a play toy!" He yelled, marching to Hidan and pulling him off. "What the hell are you doing?!"

Hidan growled, pushing Kisame back as he stood up. "You can't keep sweet cheeks here to yourself, especially when you're not even using her."

"She is not here for use, kami!" He growled his eyes full of fury and murder, grabbing a whimpering (Y/N) from the bed and cradling her in his arms. "Kakazu is coming for you Hidan." Is all Kisame said before turning and walking back to his room. Once there he locked the door and sat down with her cradled in his lap.

"Where did he touch you?" Tenderness in his voice, his eyes soft.

(Y/N) whimpered softly, hesitant as she spoke. "He was kissing and licking my neck, he kissed me...he choked me and was playing with my..." embarrassment filled her as she looked down at her chest concealed by her dress. She pouted refusing to look at him, "He said if I wasn't pure anymore you wouldn't want me...and then he would get to play with me." She felt tears in her eyes, burying her face into his chest.
Kisame frowned, then chuckled. "I know you're not pure, little minnow. I am still keeping you, he is also not allowed to touch you. The only ones I trust alone with you are Itachi, Leader-sama, and Konan. Alright? Let's get you a bath, wash his nasty hands off your pretty little body."

(Y/N) frowned but nodded, wrapping her arms around his neck. She felt him lift her as he stood walked to the dresser. He pulled a few things out and threw them over his shoulder as he walked out of the room and down the hall to the bathroom.

He locked the door behind them, setting her down to sit on the sink. "I'm going to start the bath, I'd love to wash you and make sure you're okay. But if you're not comfortable with that I will set the bath and leave you to do it yourself."

(Y/N) frowned as she thought, hands in her lap. "When I undress don't open your eyes until I'm in the bath, okay?" She asked, biting her bottom lip.

He nodded, "Let me set the bath then." He sat down the clothing he grabbed for her, a baby blue nightgown and a pair of normal cotton panties.

He slipped off his Akatsuki cloak and hanged it on a hook before kneeling and starting her bath with bubbles so she could hide her body if she liked. Once the bath was sat he stood up, and towards away to the door. "Go ahead, feel free to strip and get in. Let me know."

(Y/N) bite her lip still, moving to stand on the floor. Watching him, she slipped her dress of then her bra and panties. She wrapped her arms around her chest as she moved to the water, slowly sliding a foot in then the other. With her eyes still watching him she moved to sit in the water, pulling the bubbles around herself. "O-Okay.."

She watched Kisame turn around a tender smile on his lips. He walked over, setting a bottle of soap and a cloth on the side of the bath tub. He moved to lean against the sink, looking at the floor.

She slowly picked up the bottle and cloth, beginning to wash herself down with care. "Can I ask something?" She asked suddenly, washing herself without looking at him.

"Yes?" He asked, looking towards her with his arms crossed.

"Why me, and why have you been nice to me or forced yourself on me?" She asked quickly, stuttering on her words.

Kisame moved and kneeled by the tub, "Take your hair out of the braids so we can wash it." His voice was soft, "Because I like you and I want you to like me. You are the most attractive girl I've seen, the sweetest even though I have noticed your dark side, and you were so lonely looking when you were at the mist. I had a feeling about you, a strong feeling. I wanted to give you a none lonely life, you can work with us if you'd like, I'm sure I could convince Leader-sama to let you be a medical nin for us."

(Y/N) noticed he was trying to hide the fact he was focused on her loneliness and her being happy, and it seemed that he was lonely too. She looked up at him, taking her braids out and then leaned back to get her hair wet. When she sat up she grabbed the bottle to wash her hair.

"Will you sleep with me again tonight?" She asked, scrubbing her hair.

He held a large cup, filling it with water to help her rinse her hair out. "Anytime you'll have me I will be more than happy to."


Half an hour later (Y/N) wore her nightgown and was crawling into bed. Kisame had to go see the leader, so he locked her in the room. More for her protection than anything else.

She curled up around a pillow with her eyes closed, drifting in and out of sleep for a while.
(Y/N) woke up to Kisame grumbling angerly under his breath. She heard him murmur curse words, something about murdering someone's ass tomorrow.  

Kisame crawled into bed with her after shutting the nights off. "'Night my little minnow..." he murmured into her ear as he curled up into her back to spoon her.

A smile came to her lips as she nuzzled herself into him, "Night night Kisame-kun..." As she fell asleep she felt him smile against the back of her neck.

'I could get used to this.' Was her last thought before drifting off to sleep.

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