Middle (Gaara x OC)(DDLG)

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I apologize I haven't written Gaara in a long while so I'm sorry if this sucks. I'm pretty gunna write a different one just bcos I felt this could have been better.

 This was requested by Alicetrancy6666


Makenna stood silently, nodding as the continued Kazekage to speak. Her mind wondering off to how pretty he is, wanting to feel his hands on her skin.

"Your mission starts tomorrow, Makenna. Get a good night of sleep." He spoke, nodding for a moment before turning his head to his desk. "Now go."

Makenna hesitated, wanting to stay. But she turned and left with the others who already received their missions. 'He'll have to deal with me later,' she thought to herself as her green eyes glanced back at him before leaving.


Makenna waited outside of the Kazekage building, yawning. She had taken a walk, trying to ease her mind. The Kazekage had requested to come over tonight to have a chat, causing her to began very nervous.

Hearing footsteps she stood up straight, putting her hands behind her back.

"Kazekage sama, I uh.." She spoke, seeing him come out of the door, checking to see if anyone was with him. Alone, I wonder...

"Makenna.." He spoke softly, nodding. "Let us go." Turning and walking towards her home.


Gaara's mind wondered off as he walked with Makenna, slowing moving so he was walking behind her. His eyes glancing her over, a smirk coming to his lips.

"What beauty..." He murmured.

"What was that Kazekage-san?" Makenna turned her head to look at him.

"Oh nothing.." He spoke, looking at the ground as they continued to walk. Once she was facing foreward again, his eyes moved back to her frame.


"Gaara..." She murmured, feeling him grind into her. Her fingers scratch down his sides, his breath on her neck.

"Makenna..." He moaned softly, closing his eyes as he pressed harder against her. With a grunt he tugged her panties down, pulling her legs above her head as he pushed into her.

"Fuck!" Leaves her lips, her hands gripping his arms.

"Gaara Gaara oh god I-" She moaned loudly leaning her head back, "Daddy!"

She felt Gaara stop and pulling out of her.

Causing her face to turn red. "I'm so sorry it just came out I- Ah!" She moved to crawl away from him in embarrassment.

Gaara had begun pounding into her with more force then before.

"That's right little girl..argh!" He moaned, staring down at her with a grin.

Makenna pulled him closer, "Oh Daddy Daddy ah!" She yelped, "Yes yes!"

Gaara felt her tighten around him, after a moment he pulled out finishing on her stomach.

He panted, pushing his hair back. "I did not know you were into that kind of stuff, Makenna."

Makenna whimpered, moving to sit up as she stuttered. "There is a lot you don't know about me, Gaara-kun."

"That's Daddy to you." He spoke with a slight smile, getting up and out of the bed. "Explain to me what that means now." He spoke monotoned, looking down at her green eyes.

Makenna stuttered, trying to find the words.

"I-I'm a middle, I regress and like little things. But I'm still kinda big..." She explained for a few minutes.


Gaara just nodded before pulling her into his lap and kissing her head. 'She's so beautiful...'

"I have to go to work soon, sweetie. Do you want a juice?" He asked, pulling on his pants. Watching her pull on a tshirt. 

Makenna beamed up at him, reaching up with grabby hands. She couldn't believe it.

Gaara quickly picked her up, holding on tight as he brought her to her kitchen. After getting her a juice he sat her on the counter.

"I'm going to take you on as mine, officially. Got it?" Gaara spoke, a hand under her chin to make her look up at him. 

Makenna nodded, "Okay Daddy," Her lips moved into a grin. Throwing her arms around his neck, holding on tight.

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