Secrets Jiraiya One-shot

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I am so sorry this took so long to get out! With classes and medical issues, I have not had the brain power to write anything! I also don't remember much about the team I am going to be writing on, so I am sorry if there are inconsistencies with how they are actually shown in the series.

 Here you go @CeriandSeverus

Again, sorry for the long wait!


Silence continued as the team went on their way to the Village Hidden in the Sand. Minato had just made a joke about y/n and Sensei Jiraiya, causing the pair to blush. Y/n was unable to comment, shaking her head to try and clear it.

Y/n was a simple nin, proud of her work and power as most were. She was average in beauty, height, and strength. She was average. Well, in most ways. Y/n had one of the kindest souls in the village. This is what made her stand out.

Y/n looked up, hearing Jiraiya speak finally. 

"Once we get to the village in the next hours, we will set in a hotel." His face stoic and hard to read.

With a chorus of "Yes sensei" Kushina pulled Y/n close.

"We'll stay together," she spoke loudly, looking pointedly at Jiraiya.

This caused Y/n to sigh, but force a smile and nod. In all honesty she wished to room with Sensei. She could not help being so attracted to his outrageous personality and charm. She knew it could never happen, but a girl could dream.

Minato walked behind them, frowning a bit. He hoped to push his best friend and Sensei together. But how?


Within the hotel Kushina an Y/n went to settle their things in their room. 

"Y/n, Jiraiya is too old for you. Stop it." She spoke tiredly, "Besides he is a big pervert."

Y/n shook her head, "Whatever you say, Kushina." She sighed before dragging her down to the hot springs.

With talk of Minato between the two girls they stripped in the changing room, before moving into the empty hot springs.
"Hell yes..." sighed out of Y/n mouth as they slid into the hot springs. 

They stayed for an hour, talking and mumbling about the mission and gossip happening around the village. Before long Kushina climbed out, deciding it was time for bed for her.

"I'll be up soon...." yawned Y/n, closing her eyes as her friend left. 

Hearing a noise she spoke, "Whatcha forget?" figuring that Kushina forgot her towel.

"Oh it's just you in here."

Y/n's eyes snap open, hearing the voice of her sensei. "What are you doing in here?!" her arms wrapping around her chest as she slid down farther into the water. 


Jiraiya stood there watching her, observing her trying to hide from him. Slowly he walked closer to he was crouched at the edge of the pool, looking her in the eye.

"What are you still doing here? It's late." His mind turning as he tried to figure out what to do. 


Y/n stared, her cheeks turning red. Suddenly becoming very self conscious about herself as his eyes looked her over. 

"Meet me at your room in ten minutes." Jiraiya half barked, before quickly turning and leaving the room.

Y/n watched the door, baffled. "What the hell was sensei doing? I knew he looked into hot springs, but not with his students." She murmured to herself, trying to ignore the heat she was feeling in her body. 

Within minutes she was dressed in a robe, heading upstairs with her clothing in her arms. To her surprise, Sensei was leaning against her door, waiting on her.

"About time." He grinned, opening her door for her. "Kushina is out with Minato." He winked, letting her inside the room.

Y/n frowned as her cheeks heated up, "Sensei, what is it you wan-?" Hearing him lock the door behind them both she stopped, face red. 

"Y/n, you're beautiful. You're the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." His arms wrapping around her from behind. "I have liked you for a while now, since you turned 17." 

Y/n tried to move away, wanting to look at him, but he held her in place. "Sensei, what are you talking about?"

"Y/n....I love you."

She could feel kisses on her neck, causing her to shiver. "Sensei...."

He raised her head to look up at him, "I know you like me too."

Within moments they were tangled together against the wall, her arms around his neck.


Y/n whimpered against his lips, feeling him pull her hair slightly. Her legs wrapping around him, her arms locked around his neck. "Jiraiya..."

She felt his grin, feeling him walk towards the bed. He set her down before backing up. His clothes flying off his body with her help. 

Y/n pushed him to lay down, taking the control she needed. Climbing on top of him...

"I love you too."


Hearing a knock on the door Y/n opened her eyes. She lay naked and alone in her bed.

"Y/n! Why is the door locked?!" yelled Kushina, banging on the door.

Y/n rushed to put on clothes, stopping as she heard Jiraiya's voice outside the door as well. 

"I told her to lock it, she needed my help with something earlier." 

Y/n could almost hear the grin on his face. 


Jiraiya grinned, his mind back to Y/n riding him into bliss. 

Kushina nodded, "Oh alright. I'll go through the window and wake her up." She seemed calm, not suspecting of anything.

Minato who was standing behind Kushina grinning, not buying that excuse for a moment. Soon as Kushina was gone her grabbed Jiraiya around the shoulders.

"How was it?"

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