Bandages Gaara x Reader

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This fluff is requested by, dedicated to and inspired by @LilianUzumaki ! 
Disclaimer- I haven't watched much of Ship after Gaara loses his demon, (in the process of it) so I am sorry if he is out of character.
Warning- This could be triggering to some, depression, emotional problems, and self-harm are involved.

Please comment, vote, and share!

Gaara sat on top of the Kazekage building, staring off into the night sky. He was listening for her, the young leaf ninja stationed here in the time of need. She always walked by around this time, 2 am. Since the third night, he began researching into her file, and due to the manner of what he found he has had Temari follow her since.

He looked down seeing her passing by again. The corners of his mouth slid up into a slight smile as he watched her walk by. His eyes glanced over her features before standing and moving inside of his building.


(Y/N) walked quietly through the streets of the Sand Village, she had bags under eyes from not sleeping and concealer was no longer enough to hide them. Her eyes glanced around her, looking towards the Kazekage building. She would be given today's assignments from the Kazekage, hopefully, it wasn't anything too exhausting.

She silently entered the building, nodding at a few sand ninja before turning towards the Kazekage's office. The door was open so she slid in, standing by a few others waiting for today's orders. Her eyes silently fell over the Kazekage's frame, he was so young to be in charge.

(Y/N) didn't realize she was staring until he began to address her, making her jump a bit. She moved her arms behind her back and looked at her feet. "Y-Yes Kazekage-san?" She struggled to look back up at him, his seafoam eyes staring back at her.


Gaara cocked his head to the side for a moment, why did she stare? Why did she seem so shy to speak to him every time she came in for orders?
He sighed, stepping towards her as he relayed her orders for today. He made sure they were simple and gave her down time. Gaara watched her reactions and facial expressions, noticing a blush as she thanked him and left the room.

Once everyone else had vanished besides Temari and Konkaru he sat down and began going through her file again. He barely heard Konkaru close the office door or Temari sitting on the edge of his desk.

"What is your fascination with this girl anyway?" He heard Temari ask, "I have my report from following her, by the way." She sat it down by his paperwork.

Gaara's eyes were scanning her file as he did every day. Chounin at age 15, 25 D-rank missions, 30 C-ranked missions, 2 B-ranked, and 1 A-ranked which she was in the middle of doing now. Her main focus was lightening and fire jutsus, began learning to heal.

Gaara barely looked up to see his siblings staring at him, he barely nodding. "What do you want?" He asked as he picked up Temari's report folder.

Konkaru shook his head, "Talk to her outside of these daily meetings, could go a long way." He grinned, glancing at Temari as she agreed.

Gaara ignored them, scanning through what Temari had found. He scanned the papers, stopping as he got to one particular list. A growl left his chest, his eyes looking up. "Get out, both of you!"

Temari and Konkaru jumped, not expected that type of response. Without argument, they both left the office.


Gaara sat on top of the Kazekage roof again the next night, still on edge from what he read in the folder Temari had given him. He was waiting for (Y/N) to walk by, to stop her and bring her inside with him to talk. But by 3 am she still hadn't shown up. He slowly stood, looking down along the streets but was unable to see her.

He turned, jumping to the next roof and then the next until he made it to her hotel. He slide down till he was at her window, finding it open he slid inside. What he say enraged him and broke him inside. (Y/N) was curled in a ball in her bed, audibly sobbing and visibly shaking. She wore summer pajamas, her arm wrappings off to not show mission or training scars but inner battle scars and cuts.

"(Y/N)," he spoke, slowly moving to her bedside. She didn't move, not noticing he was there. He slowly crawled into the bed and sat on his bed against the headboard. Hesitatingly he reached out, pulling her into his lap. His arms moving around her tightly.


(Y/N) jumped as she felt someone grab her, looking up as she was sat in the man's lap. "Kazekage-san?" She murmured nervously, struggling to speak through her crying and shaking.

"Gaara," He corrected her, looking down at her curiously. "Please, relax I am here." It seemed like he was struggling to know what to say.

(Y/N) hesitated as she nuzzled her face into his chest, pulling his arms to be tighter around her. She stayed in his arms, not moving until the light began to show through the window. She could feel him nuzzling into her hair.

His hands moved to take her forearms, softly rubbing over old scars. "Calm now?" She heard him ask, making her pull back slightly to look up at him.

This made her smile slightly, nodding before leaning up to kiss his cheek in thanks. Gasping as she realized she kissed the Kazekage. "I am so so sorry!" She squeaked, moving back to try and leave his grasp.

She felt Gaara tighten his arms, planting a kiss on her temple. "Each night you are to report to my office." He spoke softly an arm around his middle and his other hand holding onto one of her forearms.

(Y/N) nodded blushing softly, burying her face into his chest.

Gaara nuzzled back into her hair, would you like for me to wait well you dress and we can walk to my office together?"

(Y/N) nodded and slowly stood up to grab her clothing to change in the bathroom.

Fifteen minutes later Gaara was watching her wrap her white arm bands around her forearms, his head cocked to the side. He smiled a bit, taking in every detail of her face.


(Y/N) walked besides Gaara in silence towards his building, staying close to him for comfort. She didn't look up at anyone when they left her building together, or as they entered the Kazekage building together. She finally looked up when they stepped into the office, Gaara was looking at her. "Y-Yes Kazekage-san?" She asked.

"Gaara," He corrected again, a hand under her chin softly. "Stay by my desk, you will be working with me today."

(Y/N) smiled brightly, and nodded. "Thank you Gaara," bowing before stepping away towards his desk.

Gaara glanced her well he gave today's orders, fighting a smile knowing he was going to keep her under his watch and arms for her duration here and hopefully afterward as well. Looking forward to hold her in his arms again tonight.

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