We'll See How This Goes (Shino x Reader)

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I started writing this at the beach, and then rewrote this like four times on the way home. Hope ya'll like it! (This may turn into its own short story in its own book honestly depending on feedback.)
I'll be having the second part of my last Kisame shot out soon!
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(Y/N) sat silently under her usual tree, a book in her hands. Her parents were out of town on missions, leaving her alone for a month. Again. At least they would be home any day now.
It wasn't that (Y/N) wasn't proud of her parents protecting the village, she just wished they had time for her. But that was another story.

(Y/N) looked up, hearing talking, to see a few shinobi around her age entering the field. They looked at her, continuing towards the tree. She closed her book, sliding it into her bag.

Shino looked up, seeing someone sitting in the training grounds. He nodded, signaling Kiba and Hinata to come with him towards the tree. As he got closer he saw a pretty young woman, brunet hair tied in a thick but tight bun on top of her head. She wore a loose dark gray kimono. From what Shino, could tell she was bigger than Hinata, definitely chubby.

Kiba spoke up, "Hey, can we help you? We need to train."
Shino watched the girl's cheeks turn pink as he let his eyes scan for a leaf head bead but could not find one.

"Sorry." The girl spoke, voice full of forced attitude. "I come here to read," She stood and slid her bag over her shoulder. "I'll go then."

Shino cocked his head to the side slightly, eyes glancing her over. He watched her until she was gone.

His mind seemed to be stuck in a loop around her as they trained, even when Kuranai-sensei had arrived.
(Y/N) gripped her bags strap as she walked home, not looking up too often. Her mind had been in a whirlwind lately, keeping her well distracted.

She was seventeen years old, meaning she was being married off soon to combine clans for strength or something like that. Her parents had told her not being a ninja was not ideal, but if she was willing to be a house wife it would work out.

In all honesty, (Y/N) didn't mind being married off or becoming a house wife. Less work for her to do in the long run. 'I just hope he will be a simple man, not too troublesome.'

(Y/N) slid into her home locking the door behind her. 'Maybe I should talk to Ino, she seems to know how to talk to guys.'

As (Y/N) walked to the couch to take a nap she said aloud to herself, "I'll go to the flower shop tomorrow morning when she's working."
"You seem distracted today Shino-chan.." Hinata spoke in her soft voice when they were taking a break.

"Yeah man, what's up?" Kiba asked, patting Akamaru's head.

Shino looked at the two, then at a beetle on a tree nearby. "I am fine, just thinking."

"About?" Kiba pushed, obviously curious what was going on in Shino's head.

"That girl from earlier... Something about her just caught my attention."

Kiba grinned, "Well, Akumaru probably got her scent. We can always find her for you."

Shino glanced at him, 'Stalking someone, the nerve.' He looked away again, "No, I'm meeting the girl I'm betrothed to in a few days."

Hinata looked at him, "I forgot about that, what's her name?"

Shino softened his gaze as he looked at Hinata, "I don't know. The only thing I really know is that she's not a ninja, so none of us probably know her."

(Y/N) awoke the next morning to her Mom knocking on her door. "Hey, your father made breakfast, sweetheart."

(Y/N) smiled a bit, they never made breakfast anymore. She slid out of bed and pulled shorts on before leaving her room. Her t-shirt was long enough to cover her shorts though, big and comfortable just how she liked it.

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