Unholy (Orochimaru x Reader(OC))

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Yukari leaned against the wall of the training room, her arms crossed over her chest as she watched Orochimaru conspire with Kabuto. Her thoughts swarmed with confusion, her heart racing quickly. She knew this feeling was unholy, made her sound like a sick princess from a fairy tale.

Her mind wandered back to the first time she woke up here.


Yukari's eyes opened slowly, a whimper leaving her lips. She tried to move her hands to push her hair out of her face, but she was unable to move them. "Hey... Hey!" she whined trying to sit up only to have two hands shove her back down.

A young man with glasses and gray hair held her down, a smirk playing on his lips. She couldn't see his eyes through the glare in his glasses.

"Rest, it's not like you can go anywhere." He said strongly, glancing behind himself for a moment before brushing her hair out of her face.

Yukari stayed laying down, her chest heaving with every rushed breath. Looking up she saw another man entering the room. He had long black hair and pale skin, his eyes sent chills down her body.

"What do we have here, Kabuto?" His voice was almost like a hiss, his eyes seemed to travel her.

This Kabuto looked at him, smiling devilishly. "I found a pretty one, strong hips and good bone structure. If she had trained as a shinobi she would have done well. I have a few ideas for her."

This snake like man just stared at her, moving closer til he was in front of Kabuto. His hand on her cheek, no expression on his face.

Yukari's eyes stared into his, fear filling her own. She tried to sink into the bed, no matter how unrealistic it was.

Finally, the man spoke. "Don't do anything to her yet. That's an order." A wide smirk coming to his lips now, stroking her cheek before turning and leaving the room.

Over the next few weeks this man, she later found out was Orochimaru one of the Legendary Sannin the one who had betrayed his village, visited her in her small room just to look at her or to talk about trivial things. He never once harmed her or touched her besides stroking her cheek, sometimes her side and hip. He once even kissed her on the forehead.

But she had been here for months now and she was now allowed to walk around as long as she didn't leave or enter certain rooms.


Now she stood against the wall of the training room, watching him in silence as he spoke. She knew he would come to her room later tonight, which filled her with a chill. A smile came to her lips as she got an idea, turning and leaving the training room with a swing of her hips.

Yukari sat on her bed wearing a short gray drab of a dress, wearing nothing else underneath. She moved back to lean against the headboard. Her legs were slightly spread, but not enough to show anything.

I'll tell him when he comes, she thought with a smile on her lips.

He made butterflies fill her tummy, he made her feel small and submissive, like she was littlest and most important thing. Of course he never said anything about her being important to him before, it was just from the look in his eyes.

She reached her arms up, fixing her low French braided pigtails. Stopping as the door opened.

"Kitten..." He spoke, closing the door behind him. He stopped as he saw her position, " Were you waiting for me?" He asked with a smirk, striding to the bed and sitting on the edge.

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