Shikamaru x Reader (DDLG)(Favorite Activities)

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Writer's block for my main story, One-shot, and a requested one-shot...this idea came to me.

Now, I need to warn any reader reading this that it may not be for them. This includes the life style/kink DDLG (Daddy Dom Little Girl).

Please try to keep hate comments out of my stories, if Hinata wouldn't say neither should you.

Sorry if he's out of character!

Thank you.


(Y/N) looked up sighing as she followed her platoon leader back to the Village Hidden in the Leaves. They had just finished a B-rank mission without a hitch but (Y/N) was exhausted from this two-week long mission. Her leader, Shikamaru, continued in front of her with the other three members behind them.

He was silent, eyes straight ahead. He needed to do his best to not look at (Y/N), not having a second alone with her in the past few weeks was killing him. A smile came to his lips as they came to the village's entrance. He nodded at the guards, glancing back at his team. "I will give the Hokage the mission report, you all go home and rest."

(Y/N) looked up at him, trying to hold back a pout that Shikamaru was refusing to look at her. Finally, as the others left he turned to her, "Get home and change, I will be there soon as I can." He pressed his lips to her forehead softly before smiling and walking off. She held back a squeal, playing with her hair as she watched him walk away.

She half way skipped home, a smile on her lips. She waved to anyone she knew well, but quickly made her way to their small home. Locking the door behind her she began to strip, running off to the bathroom. After taking a quick shower she ran to their bedroom. Their bed was covered in stuffed animals, neglected for the past two weeks.

Opening her closet, she found a cute pastel pink dress, pulling it on without a bra. She then pulled on a little black thong, braiding her hair into two low pigtail braids. Giggles left her lips, pulling on her thigh high gray socks. With a grin, she grabbed her favorite stuffy, a green bear named Arata with the Nara clan's crest on its shirt given to her by Shikamaru, and skipped towards the kitchen.

Standing on her toes she pulled out a black sippy cup from the shelf above the sink, happily filling it with apple juice. Setting Arata down on the counter by the fruit bowl she began to heat up chicken nuggets.

"Baby doll?" Called through the house, making (Y/N) squeal happily. "Daddy!" She yelled, running through the house to Shikamaru. She threw her arms around him as he picked her up, holding her up on his hip best he could. "What were you doing in the kitchen, baby?" "I was making chicken nuggets!" She giggled happily, nuzzling his neck.

He frowned, "Baby, you're not supposed to cook unless I know or can help. It's too dangerous for you, troublesome little girl." (Y/N) pouted looking away, "I was hungry...I is sowwy." She murmured, looking at the ground. He kissed her head, "Come on Kitten, let's finish your food. But that is strike two," He interrupts her before she can speak, "You left your dirty clothes all over the floor by the door baby."

(Y/N) whimpered, hanging onto him. "It's okay Kitten, let's get your food." He lifted her chin, kissing her softly.


(Y/N) laid on her stomach on the floor coloring, kicking her feet in the air childishly. She was slowly becoming more bored. "Daddy!" She cried out, her paci falling from her lips as she looked up. "Of course he is sleeping..." She murmured, picking up her paci and putting it back in her mouth. She began to suckle as she thought, first she threw Arata at him, then her empty sippy cup. "Fucker!" She yelled, crawling to the couch and climbing on top of him to straddle him.

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