Feeling Part 1/2 (Kisame x Reader)

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This was requested by @LynnStark, I hope you enjoy it!
Every comment and vote make me feel so happy, so does every request.  Thank you so much for reading my book(s).
If you'd like a shot written for you, let me know!

Kisame isn't a character I know a hell of a lot about besides in fanfiction, and this request wasn't specific, so I took the liberty to wing it. This is coming out longer than I had originally thought so this will be a two-parter! I hope ya'll like it!


(Y/N) followed her comrades silently, they were chattering happily. Their mission was a success, transporting files to the Leaf Village from their own Village Hidden in the Mist. Now they were on their way back, excited about the mission going so smoothly.

"What's up, (Y/N)?" Kasumi asked her from ahead, frowning as she saw (Y/N) being very silent.

(Y/N) looked up shaking her head, "I'm fine, I just have a bad feeling. It's fine, don't worry." She shook her head, speeding up to catch up with the rest of the group.

Her feeling was right.

Their platoon leader stopped suddenly, raising his hand. "Hold up." He was look down, still as prey in presence of his predator.

(Y/N) squatted as she watched, her eyes widening as she saw two men in Akatsuki uniforms stepping out. One was very tall with blue skin, he looked like a shark with a large wrapped sword on his back. The other had long black hair and dark as night eyes.

The shark man looked up, "How is everybody doing?" He grinned, showing his sharp predator like teeth.

"What would, Kisame, Monster of the Hidden Mist be doing so close to the village he betrayed?" The leader spoke, making a protective stance in front of his platoon.

Kisame laughed, shaking his head. "I just want the girl, then you can head on your way." He slid the sword off his back, holding it out at his side. His eyes flashed back at the back of their group, grinning.

(Y/N) looked at Kasumi who looked back at her, they were the only girls in the group.

"Give her to me now, or none of you will be going back," Kisame growled, jumping up onto the tree branch across from them with his sword in front of him pointing at his opponents.

"Kisame, stop now." The black haired one finally spoke, barely looking up at his comrade. "This will get messy and we will be chased down by other shinobi if we do this your way. I didn't agree to do this little side mission with you just to have to change bases again." His voice was slow and consistent.

Kisame growled, but dropped his sword and looked down at Itachi. "Fine Itachi, we'll do this your way then."

(Y/N) moved into position, pulling kunai from her thigh bag. She was only a healer and not too skilled in anything else besides tracking.

In a flash of black her comrades were on the ground with a thud, and Itachi was in front of her. His eyes were now red instead of black and locked onto hers. Suddenly she felt something hard hit the back of her head, and she was out like a light.


(Y/N) woke up slowly with an ache in her head, hesitant to open her eyes. She hesitated before moving to open her eyes, steadying herself as she sat up. She found herself in a dark room, laying on someone's bed.

A whimper left her lips as she moved to stand up, stopping as she realized she wasn't wearing her clothing but a man's t-shirt and another female's shorts. Her eyes widened gripped onto her shirt. She didn't feel achy besides her head, so she was unsure if she had been used or not.

As (Y/N) moved to stand again she let her hair out of its high ponytail, feeling the pressure in her scalp relaxing a bit. Her eyes scanned the room, but found nothing of her possession with her.

Slowly she began to walk towards the door, hesitating to open it. Peaking her head out the door she heard voices down the hall, a few small explosions and a lot of yelling. (Y/N) squeaked and moved back into the room and shut the door. She needed a plan, a good plan at that to get out of here. What did the Akatsuki want with her? If she remembered correctly it was the shark man, Kisame who had wanted her.

(Y/N) moved back to the bed and sat down as she began to think hard. After a few minutes, she stood again and walked towards the door with the pillow case in hand. Holding onto it tightly she opened the door and peaked outside again. It was quieter this time, only a few voices far down the dark hallway.

(Y/N) slowly left the room, gently shutting the door behind her. Keeping as quiet as possible she turned to walk right down the hallway. Her bare footsteps could barely be heard as she followed down the hall. She needed to find a main room, and then a main door.

"What are you doing out?" Came a tenor man's voice from not far behind her.

As she turned she saw a man dressed in black, wearing an orange swirling mask. She took a few slow steps backwards.

"Kisame-san will be very upset! Tobi doesn't like when he is upset! You got to back to his room!" He half yelled, running towards her, "Tobi is a good boy and he will help!" He cried.

(Y/N) yelped as she turned, running down the hallway in full speed. "Come on... Come on..." She murmured to herself as she ran. Suddenly she ran into something softer then a wall, causing her to fall onto her ass.

"What are you doing out, bitch?" The white-haired man spoke, cocking his head to the side. "You're lucky I can't fucking sacrifice you." He grumbled, picking her up and throwing her over his should. His hand gripping her ass as he walked back towards Kisame's room.

"Tobi shut the fuck up and go find Fish Face, let him know she tried to leave. Also, that if she fucking escapes again I will sacrifice her for Jashin-sama." He spoke again, gripping her tighter as she fought hard against him.

(Y/N) squirmed, kicking and punching as she tried to leave him arms. Once they entered the room he slammed the door behind him and dropped her on the bed.

She stared up at him, eyes wide as she pulled her knees to her chest. "Why am I here? Why does he want me?"

The man laughed, pushing his hair back. "Far as I know he just thinks you're pretty, bitch. I don't talk to fish face often."

(Y/N) sat silently, her eyes scanning the man.

Minutes later the door slammed open with Kisame in the doorway. "I got her Hidan, I don't want your grimy hands on her."

Hidan swore at him, but turned to walk out of the room as Kisame walked towards her.

(Y/N) looked up at him, gasping as she moved back on the bed some.

He growled, looking down at her. "I won't hurt you if you don't give me reason to, (Y/N)."

"How do you know my name?" She asked, looking up at him. "What am I doing here?"

Kisame continued to peer down at her, "I remember you from before I left the village, I watched you train in your younger years. Recently I had caught sight of you again well I was passing by the village a few weeks ago, and began to keep tabs on you. You're a remarkable girl, and a beautiful one at that."

(Y/N) whimpered softly, wrapping her arms around herself. "You can't just steal someone, sir. It's inhumane."

Kisame laughed, glancing at his sword that leaned against the wall. "I can if I like. You're weak in the shinobi way I would like to train you by my side, my beautiful little minnow." He grinned, his sharp teeth showing.

(Y/N) shook her head, "My comrades will come find me in no time!"

Kisame laughed, "They were all knocked out when I took you, (Y/N). None of them saw where you went. You have no family, barely any friends. You will stay here."

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