Most Likely to Succeed

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The next day. (Thursday)

Dominic pov

I starred up at the numbers covering the whiteboard in my office. I was finally relieved to have figured out next month's budget. I leaned back in my chair, taking a deep breath of relaxation.

"If it isn't the glorified accountant." Micah smiled walking into my office.

"I'm done correcting you. I'm a Financial Manager."

He shrugged, taking a seat in one of my chairs. "Same shit. Different air freshener."

"What brings you by here?" I asked.

"I need you to kind of help me falsify my spending records." He said.

"You're a lawyer, I'm sure you can get yourself out of whatever illegal situation you're in."

"Nothing illegal. I just paid off Lisa. I don't need Reagan finding out. That's all."

"That's all?" I repeated questioningly, and he responded with an amusingly serious nod.

Courtney's Pov
(Note: It's around 7 in Atlanta. Therefore, it's around 4 in the morning in L.A. where Courtney and Lucas are.)

Tears poured down from my eyes as I raised the glass to my mouth. The sweetened sour taste of wine filled my mouth as I glanced back down at my phone.

My King💍- I'll be home in the morning babe. This session is going to be overnight.

I sat at the island in my kitchen, starring at our family portrait on the counter.

I used to be the lighter to his blunt, but now we're both inflamed- both high off love... due to go down in flames anytime soon.

He'd slept over at the studio so often, Amir was surprised to see him at dinner (when he did). I was basically raising a three-year-old on my own, and being in California made it no easier.

I didn't have my mom, and since Lucas got famous, I didn't have many friends. Once the money came everyone here switched up. Everyone I love lives across the country.

McKenna's Pov

"Cody Kenneth Smith, come downstairs or you'll be late!" I yelled. I heard his feet thudding down the stairs. I glanced at Katie, who was pouting instead of eating her food.

"Daddy said I can have ice cream for breakfast." She told me.

"You can have ice cream for breakfast when daddy stays home long enough to have breakfast." I replied. She frowned, glaring at me. I crossed my arms, returning the look. Cody finally walked in, taking a seat at the table. He dug into his food immediately. Halfway through, he looked up at us.

"Back to the ice cream argument?" He guessed.

"You better straighten your face before I straighten it for you. I don't know who you think you are." I stated. She sighed, picking up her fork.

"Was I like this when I was 3?" Cody asked.

"Not even close." I shook my head. Of course, back then, Dominic and I were a team instead of him playing good cop, and me being deduced to bad cop.

We finished eating, and I took Cody to school, and Katie to my mom's house. I had work to do, and I needed quiet.

Being a writer was becoming stressful. It was so hard to find inspiration living confined to the duties of a housewife.

I never imagined it... shit, no one imagined it. They thought I'd be McKenna the Doctor or McKenna the Lawyer, maybe even Mckenna the Astronaut. But I'm just a house wife. Both my siblings who no one saw a future for are more successful than me.

I love my brother, and I'm happy for his success, and I'm happy for Makayla's success in the modeling world, and now as an actress, but I feel so stuck.

I feel like I failed.

A Love for the Books: Nerdy Love Trilogy Where stories live. Discover now