Your Man

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McKenna's POV

I walked out of the house slowly closing the door behind me. Dominic brushed past me into our room. I looked down at my watch.

2:00. The kids aren't even home. Why is he? We weren't exactly talking, so I didn't exactly know if I should follow him. He seemed upset, and just because we were in a fight doesn't mean I don't care about him. I walked into the room.

"Are you okay? You want to talk about it?" I asked.

He looked at me. A glare covered his face, and his eyes were glazed. I froze.

"Are you cheating on me?"

"No." I answered immediately.

"So make this make sense. We were perfectly happy, living everyone's dream. Then, you just decide to tell me your not happy. I come home to surprise you with a bunch of Roses and a reservation to your favorite restaurant only to walk in on your friends chopping it up on the phone with the dude that claims he's going to be the one to save you from your miserable marriage? Are you that unhappy to the point where you had to tell a complete stranger? Or have you been talking to him for a while now? Is he giving you everything I stopped giving you?"

Dominic stopped rambling and starred at me for answers.

"I'm not miserable, and I have not talked to any man about us. I'd never disrespect you like that. I met William and we talked platonically. He flirts with me, and I decline. I make sure to tell him I'm married-"

"But you still entertain," he shook his head. "This is the same bullshit that happened with Bryce in college."

"It's not. I'm not close to William. I only met him yesterday. He put his number in my phone and I have never used it."

"You haven't used it YET."

"I never would have. I'm married to you. I love you. Nothing is going to change that. I had an identity crisis. But I've started my book, I'm moving forward, and I'm trying to figure out a way to keep this marriage together."

"You mean Beautiful Stranger? I saw the title page on the computer before work this morning. You're writing a book about this man?"

"No. I'm writing a book about a young lady infatuated with a man she's never met, a man she can only imagine from her best friend's descriptions, a man she makes her best friend pretend to be and go on dates only to realize that he was describing himself all along, and that they are in love. The beautiful stranger he described was never a stranger at all."

He stares at me quizzingly

"That sounds like a good ass movie, so I know it'll make a good book."

"I'm sorry for entertaining. I had a conversation and I was inspired. I used him to get my book flowing. I never planned to talk to him again. I promise."

I wrapped my arms around him, and he wrapped his around me.

"I'm sorry for giving you a reason to entertain." His hands traveled down to my ass.

"You know we have company right?" I asked looking into his eyes. The look he gave me made me want to melt.

"You know I been mad at you for over a week. I haven't went this long without being inside you since we've been married. I want to put you in a different position for everyday we missed." I rose my eyebrows.

"Baby lock the door and turn the lights down low."

Courtney's POV

My phone rang, and Ignored Lucas' call for the hundredth time.

"I hate men." Reagan shook her head.

"Tell me about it." I rolled my eyes. Micah decided to join the party.

"Hey." He smiled awkwardly when he saw me. I didn't respond. I love this man with everything in me, but he can't stay faithful.

"Y'all hear that too right." Courtney asked. We all paused. The unmistakable sounds of sex filled the room.

"Nooo! Somebody make noise a lot of noise!" Micah yelled. He covered his ears humming random tunes. I laughed.

"These folks nasty. How long have they been at it? We been down here talking for hours." Courtney said. Micah ran into the living room, and we followed he turned the tv on and turned the volume all the way up. He turned on the surround sound speakers blasting Drake.

This is a noise complaint waiting to happen. After a few episodes of the Big Bang theory accompanied by Drake's old and new music, the love bugs made their way down stairs.

Dominic turned off the tv and the music with one button pressed on his phone.

"Hey! I had just got the hang of the subtitles." Reagan mumbled.

"Why y'all got everything so loud?" Dominic answered.

Micah looked at them and shook his head.

"Why y'all having it out while y'all have company?"

They laughed.

"You know that thing called a door. It works as an exit just as good as it works as an entrance." MK said. We all gasped. Maybe we should have thought to leave, but that was rude.

"I have no where to go clearly." I said.

"Our guest room is yours definitely." MK offered.

"What about me? I get the couch?" Micah crossed his arms.

"Go sleep on your own damn couch." Dominic said.

"What ever man I got some business to handle anyways." Micah shrugged getting up. He said his goodbyes and excused himself.

Micah's POV

I starred at the paper in my had reading it over and over.

"Possibility of Paternity: 0%"

I skipped to the bottom

"Micah Crowder is excluded as the biological father."

I wanted so bad to feel relieved, but knowing this only meant that Lisa would get rid of the baby just couldn't sit well with me.

I hadn't really has time to explore whether I was pro-choice or pro-life until this very moment, and honestly I was stuck.

So I called my wife.

"Yea?" she answered.

"I'm not the father."

That was all I could manage at the moment. She was silent.

"How do you feel about that?" She asked.

I sighed.

We spent hours talking about possible outcomes to this situation.

That's the reason I love this woman. She knows how to handle every mess I get myself into, she loves me unconditionally, and I love her the same.

A Love for the Books: Nerdy Love Trilogy Where stories live. Discover now