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(A/n I'm going to slow it down a little, maybe one couples' pov per chapter or something like that.)

Makayla's pov

"We need seduction. Make love to the camera." My modeling coach instructed. I did what she said.

After a couple more shots, my photoshoot was over, and I had to talk to my manager. I knew if I got pregnant my career would be put on pause for almost a year, and I had to warn him.

"What's up Kayla?" Jayson asked.

Yeah you read right. The Jayson that broke my heart in college is now my manager. I dropped out of college a little after Dominic married MK. I started getting more modeling gigs. School got in the way of my career. There was a chose I had to make, and I choose my career.

Jayson has only been my manager for about two years now. We've both grown, and I got over the heartbreak. He has his family, and I am ready to start mine.

"I think you're going to be mad when I tell you this."

"Go ahead." He nodded.

"Me and Chris are trying to get pregnant." I told him.

"You need me to find a secret surrogate?" He asked. I didn't take offense to his question since when the two of us broke up, I was completely convinced I'd never be able to have a child of my own.

"No. I'm going to carry the baby." I corrected.

"But..." he trailed off.

I knew what he was thinking. He'd known me since I had my first miscarriage, and I even had another miscarriage after getting pregnant by him. He pushed me to keep trying for a baby, but I decided to get an IUD.

Not too long after that, we found out that he had a one year old child. In figuring out how to be a coparent, he fell in love with his baby's mother, and she got pregnant again by him. He broke up with me, and looking back, I appreciate him for it. Him leaving enabled me to find Chris, and he loves me more than bears love honey. No matter what the chances are, I think Chris deserves me to try and give him a family.

"I know my chances, but Chris really wants a child, and as his wife, I want to give him one." I said.

"Good luck. You know I'm here for you, not just as your manager, but as a friend too right?" He asked.

I nodded, "Thank you."

I left his office, and made an appointment to see my OBGYN.

The thought of being a mother was so far away to me. I was told way back when I graduated high school that I'd most likely never be able to carry a baby to term. I've never even told Chris. I knew he'd want children sooner or later, but it wasn't something we'd discussed since we met in college.

Chris' pov

"Boy if you don't get your ugly ass feet out my Balenciaga slides imma two piece you right here."

Micah laughed, sliding my shoes off.

"Nigga you gotta buy me some of these." He said.

"Boy you're a whole place value above my pay range. You need to be buying me Balenciaga slides in every color." I said.

"All my money go to my wife and my niece and nephew. Shit, they wear all the designer." He mumbled.

"You spoil Dominic kids worse then him." I laughed.

"Yeah. Reagan and I don't plan on having children soon, and I'm glad to be uncle. This way I can send them home when I get tired." He shrugged.

"I'm not trying to do that anymore fam. I just want my own little family." I mumbled

"So you and Kay discussed everything like adoption or a surrogate?" He asked.

"Why would one of those be our first option?" I asked.

I have nothing against adoption. Surrogacy is something that I'd never try though.

"I didn't necessarily say that. I'm just asking... have you and Kay sat down and really discussed the possibilities?" He asked.

"We've been trying for a baby for about a month now. We've discussed every possible detail." I nodded.

He shrugged, "As long as you don't get your hopes up."

That completely surprised me.

"Micah. You gone have to clarify that for me bro." I said. His jaw dropped.

"Damn it." He uttered.

"Micah you being real strange." I said. He starred at me for a second before he sighed.

"I'm sorry bro. I didn't intend for the conversation to get so left. I'm just as confused as you." He shrugged.

"You talking like we just won't have a child." I said.

"Don't get defensive bro. I'm just trying to tell you there's still conversations you haven't had with Makayla." He got defensive.

"I'm hearing you, and I'm telling you you're wrong."

He was beginning to get under my skin. I didn't know if he was trying to, or if he was for real trying to hint something.

"If you believe that." He mumbled, standing up. He put his shoes on.

"Micah. You're a grown ass man. If there's something you want to say just put it out there. You don't think Makayla can be a mom. I know that, but you seem like you have a problem with me."

"It is damn near impossible for an egg to attach to Makayla's uterus, and even if that does happen, the baby most likely won't make it past the first trimester." He stated.

I froze looking at him confused.

"What do you mean?" I mumbled.

"I told you there were some possibilities you and Makayla needed to discuss." He repeated.

"Makayla and I have been together for 7 years and married for 5. She never thought to tell me that?" I mumbled.

"She didn't want to loose you like she lost Jayson I guess." He shrugged. I thought Jayson left because he fell out of love with her. At least that's what she always told me, but I guess Jayson told Micah a different story.

"Baby! My photo shoot was bomb as fuck. You should have been there." Makayla smiled, walking through the door. Micah and I turned to look at her.

A Love for the Books: Nerdy Love Trilogy Where stories live. Discover now