Chapter 18 | 'She is living for us Aurora.'

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Rick asked Lauren the exact questions he asked Erika. I was taken back when she admitted that she had killed the living, but even more shocked to find out she had killed them because they asked her too. I can't imagine what she has been through personally. It looked like she was staying and was now part of the group, which may I say thrilled the absolute fuck out of me as all I want is to find out all about the years we lost together and to spend time with her knowing any second could be my last.

'Hey baby-girl! Want to introduce me?' Daryl yelled running to us as everybody else were departing the crowd to continue with the jobs they keep getting interrupted from. Shane still stood in the same spot. I wasn't planning on talking to him.

'Dad, this is Lauren. My twin.' I say. I watched her eyes widen as i referred to Daryl as Dad.

'So nice to meet you Lauren, and don't be taken back by her calling me Dad, it's kind of a long story.' He said with a smile. He genuinely looked so happy for me, I couldn't help but smile back. Lauren just shook his hand and giggled a bit. 'Oh Aurora! Have you told your sister about your lover!'

'I really wished you didn't call him that. We aren't even a couple, we just have feelings for each other!' I say loudly with a quiet laugh at the end.

'You're on about the younger boy right?'

'Yes, the Grimes' lad: Carl.' Daryl informed Lauren.

'Wait up! So you both have admitted to having affection for each other, yet you aren't a couple?' I nodded at her rather quickly.

'And i'm not planning on having a relationship this side of the apocalypse!'

'Bullshit Rory-May!' Lauren joked with me.

'Let it go Lauren, I literally don't need the fuss of all that crap right now. I'm happy.' I told her.

'As long as you're happy so am i.' Lauren said.

'As am i.' Daryl added, who I forgot was even still there. I sighed and walked off towards where Daryl was originally sorting out bark to finish his job, hoping nobody else would bother me for a few hours. Too much had happened all in one day.


'WHAT NOW?!' I snapped my head around to see Shane running towards me. I sighed once again, but this time louder and more anger was heard in it.

'Have you not left yet? Can you not see you aren't wanted around here Shane?' I told him straight. He needed the truth, there was no time to be waisted making up a pitiful lie that will just cause more problems.

'I wanted to say goodbye.' He chocked out slowly an bowed his head. 'Be safe okay? I love you.' He finished and swivelled on his heels to turn around and began to walk away. I didn't reply. I didn't have anything to add. I continued to concentrate on the wood in front of me, trying to figure out what Daryl had already achieved.

'You were just a tad bit rude to Shane just then.' I heard from behind me. The voice soothed me a bit, but then when my brain came to the realisation of who exactly the person was, that almost too familiar fuse was ignited. I wasn't planning on looking at them so I picked up a saw and began to saw large pieces of bark.

'He needed to know the truth.' I said with no change in my tone.

'Well his gone now.'


'So you have a twin?'

'No' I continued to saw.

'No need to be sarcastic.' I don't even know why i'm being such a moody arse to almost every one. I'm beginning to hate myself.

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