Chapter 2

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Luke’s P.O.V:

It was finally Saturday night, the school week seemed to have dragged on. All the teachers were on my back about my homework and Mia is starting to scare the shit out of me now. I heard my phone go off from the lounge room so I walked towards my bedroom and when I walked in Jai was lying on his bed, looking like he was off on another planet.

Luke: I think you should make a move on Danielle tonight

Jai: What are you talking about?

Luke: I can tell you like her

Jai: I hate being a twin

Luke: This wasn’t twin telepathy, it’s just plain obvious

Jai: Plain obvious my snowy white ass

Luke: Anyway, if you really like her, tell her because YOLO

Jai:  Don’t ever use YOLO again, and you’re only saying that because you like seeing me get humiliated

Luke: This time i’m being serious, make a move. You never know what could happen..

At 8pm Talia and Danielle walked in, they both looked stunning, especially Talia. She was wearing tight black pants which make it look like she has a big ass and I would be sure to tell her that because she has a good sense of humour.

Luke: I like your pants, really compliments your ass bellah

Talia: aw thanks beb

Luke: So do you want something to drink?

Talia: Yeah sure

We walked into the kitchen to see Beau and one of his mates putting alcohol into the fridge, I didn’t really care that there was alcohol there because these days most teens under 18 drink. I got Talia and myself a cruiser and we went to sit outside with some of the others.

Danielle’s P.O.V:

A few hours passed and I was talking to Jai the whole night, I had one drink and was fairly sober. I don’t usually drink but I thought why not, one can’t hurt. A fair few people had left the gath and there was only us and a few others around. Jai is such a sweet guy and I love how he doesn’t care what other people think about him. We were sitting down with our backs leaning against a wall and our conversation started to slow down a bit. There was this moment where we both just stared into each other’s eyes, his are so amazing. He leaned in slowly, the moment was so perfect until one of Beau’s mates decided he wanted to through up right next to me EW! I quickly stood up and moved away while Skip and Beau tried to help him. I felt my heart drop because I was disappointed. I went to look around to see where Jai was, but he was gone so I went to find Talia.

Talia’s P.O.V:

It was around 1am and myself, Luke, Skip and his girlfriend Liana were just sitting in a group talking. Liana was getting tired, so her and Skip said their goodbyes to us and went home. After they left Luke and I were just having our usual conversation about anything and everything, as I had a bit too much drink I accidently blurted everything that came to my mind, out of my mouth.

Talia: Luke i’m so lucky to have as bestfriend like you

Luke: I think i’m the lucky one here, I’d do anything for you, just remember that

Talia: I know and I’d do anything for you too

Luke: I Love you

Talia: Love you too, I should go get Danielle now so we can get going, it’s pretty late.

Luke: Yeah, I can get Beau to drives you because it’s too dangerous to walk by yourselves, that’s if he’s sober.

As we got up off our chairs, our heads were really close to touching. It was weird; there was about 5 seconds of silence where we just looked into each other’s eyes. All of a sudden we both had the urge to lean in a bit closer and then we kissed. I thought it’d feel funny kissing my best friend but to be honest I never really had thought about it. I felt butterflies in my stomach and then I realised, what if I started developing feelings for Luke? No. This can’t be happening, he’s my bes tfriend and the relationship we have is amazing they way it is. I pulled away and quickly left without saying goodbye, I didn’t even look at him, I needed to sort my head out. As I was walking through the house I saw Danielle, grabbed her by the hand and just dragged her out with me without any explanation. Luckily enough Beau was out the front and offered to drop us home. In the car, I gave Danielle a look that indicated I would call her in the morning to tell her what had happened. Lucky my mum was asleep when I arrived home and I went upstairs to get ready for bed and try and process everything that has just happened. 

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