Chapter 11

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Talia’s P.O.V:

Luke told me that Mia was due for her 8 week scan today, I’m still feeling pretty uncomfortable about the fact that there having a baby together but there’s nothing I can do. No matter what happens I’ll do my best to support him, because when the baby comes he’s going to need it. I was in the lounge room watching a movie with Anthony when the doorbell rang, it was Luke with an ultrasound picture in his hand. Anthony knew about the baby but wasn’t too happy that i’d be getting myself dragged into baby drama but he knew Luke was a good guy.

Luke: Hey gorgeous, ANTHONY! Long time no see, how was your trip?

Anthony: Amazing bro, i’m gonna go meet a few of the guys in the city. You’ll be alright here?

Talia: Yeah we’ll be fine, cya tonight

As Anthony closed the door, Luke and I walked into the kitchen and sat at the bench. He showed me the photo of the baby, to me it was all a blur but I could tell it meant so much more to Luke.

Talia: What’s it like seeing your child for the first time?

Luke: I can’t even explain it, it feels so weird, but in a good way?

I looked at him and smiled, he was going to make a great father, but on the other hand, Mia was going to make a terrible mother.

Talia: Can you take a look at my laptop for a sec, when I plugged it in to charge it said ‘plugged in not charging’

Luke: Yeah sure, is it in your room?

Talia: Yep

While Luke was looking at my laptop, I took the ultrasound photo off the bench and took a closer look at it. I quickly scanned through all the small print trying to read what it said and looked at the baby trying to work out where he/she’s head was. As I was reading the small print in the top right hand corner I noticed the date stamp said 22/08/2011. Wait a minute. The date is the 17/05/12, how can that be possible? I took a photo of it and messaged Danielle ‘if you can see it, look at the date stamp of Mia’s ultrasound photo, something’s not right’ If this photo isn’t really of Mia’s baby, then it must be from the internet. Come to think of it, why would she give Luke a fake ultrasound photo? I googled ultrasound photos and there it was, 4th from the right, the same photo I had in front of me. How could she do this to him?  It all doesn’t make sense, I decided I wasn’t going to say anything to Luke until I had my facts straight.


Beau’s P.O.V:

James had booked Brunelli’s cafe at 7pm for dinner with Lauren, Carla and Summer. Lauren and I have been texting all week and she seemed really excited to me again tonight. James and Tyla came round to mine at 6:30pm so we could all go together. When we arrived at Brunelli’s, the waiter showed us to our table and we looked at the menus while waiting for the girls to arrive. As per usual, the girls came fashionably late at 7:20pm but they all looked gorgeous. Lauren’s eyes are a mix of blue and grey and I love the way she looks at me. We all sat down and ordered, at first it was pretty awkward but the conversation started to flow and we all became a bit more relaxed as the night went on.

Danielle’s P.O.V:

Jai and I had spent the past few days together, just singing and playing the guitar, it was really cute. Most of the time he played the guitar and I sang, but I would rather just listen to him sing because his voice is so amazing. On Saturday night while Beau, James and Tyla were triple dating, Luke, Jai and Skip were having a boys night, Talia, Liana and I decided to have a girls night. We hired out Mean Girls, She’s the Man and The Lizzie McGuire movie. The girls came round at 7pm with pizza and a whole heap of junk food for the night.

Talia: What do you think I should do about the photo?

Danielle: First we have to figure out why she would just print an ultrasound photo off the internet and give it to Luke if she was really pregnant..

Liana: Omg what are you both going on about here?

Talia: Sorry Liana, Mia had her 8 week scan and Luke showed me the ultrasound photo but the date stamp isn’t today’s date, it’s from 2011. I went on google images and typed in ‘ultrasound photos’ and that’s where the photos’ from

Liana: Wow. Come to think of it, Mia hasn’t been showing any pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness or cravings of anything weird

Danielle: Yeah, she should be getting morning sickness, has Luke said anything about that?

Talia: Nothing, he said she’s been fine which makes me wonder if she really is pregnant

Liana: But then again, why would she make something like this up?

Danielle: Because she’s a physco who can’t get over the fact that Luke has moved on

Talia: So basically she’s just pretending to be pregnant so she can still have Luke in her life?

Liana: pretty much, she needs some serious help. Imagine how Luke is going to feel when you tell him about this.

Talia: It’s going to break his heart

James’ P.O.V:

After dinner with the girls we all decided to go to Spats (dessert place in the city) We asked to go sit upstairs, because that’s where all the cute couples go, even though Carla and I weren’t a couple we enjoyed each other’s company and I really liked her. We both ordered chocolate pancakes with strawberries, Carla sat with her head resting on my shoulder and we chatted, while we waited for our dessert to arrive. It was 11pm and the night had been so much fun, I could tell Tyla and Beau had enjoyed themselves as well. Carla got a message from her brother saying he was out the front waiting for her, Lauren and Summer. I walked her to the door and as we both faced each other, I stared into her gorgeous brown eyes and leaned into kiss her. She pulled away and smiled, then walked out with the girls to meet her brother. 


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