Chapter 19

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Talia’s P.O.V:

What does he mean he already knows? How is that possible? Did Anthony tell him? What’s going on?

Talia: What do you mean you already know?

Luke: I didn’t want to mention it on the weekend, but when you were down at the spa I accidently moved your tracksuit pants and the letter fell out

Talia: Oh, why didn’t you say anything?

Luke: Because I didn’t want to ruin the weekend for you. Are you going audition for the academy?

Talia: Um, I’m not sure yet I wanted to talk to you about it first

Luke: I think you should go

As Luke said that, the bell went signalling for us to move to class.

Luke: I’ll see you after

That was it. No kiss, no hug, he just left. I could tell he was upset but I’m not sure whether it’s because I didn’t tell him about the letter sooner or because he knows if I go, I’m not coming back. I walked back to my locker and grabbed checked my timetable, Italian then Maths, neither classes were with Luke.

Luke’s P.O.V:

I don’t know what came over me; I just got this feeling of sadness. I don’t feel like talking to anyone, all I wanna do is go home and forget about everything. Besides my mum and my brothers, Talia is my everything, she always has been. I don’t want her to audition for the dance academy because I know she’s good enough and will get in. I know if she gets in then that’s it for us, long distant relationships never work. We’ll obviously still keep in touch but nothing will ever be the same again. Putting all of my feelings aside it’s one of the best opportunities for Talia and I can’t be selfish and make her stay for me.

I walked to English on my own and sat at the back waiting for Jai and James. School is always such a drag, especially English my stupid teacher still can’t tell the difference between me and Jai.

Talia’s P.O.V:

Today was probably one of the worst days ever. Luke was practically ignoring me, we managed to have small talk but that was it. Double biology at the end of the day took my mind of everything, dissecting a cows heart is pretty distracting. When the final bell rang, I got to my locker before everyone else did because my locker is right next to the science building and left before I would have to wait for any of the group. As soon as I got home, I changed out of my uniform and jumped straight into bed and fell asleep.

It was 5pm and I was woken by the sound of my phone vibrating on my bed side table. The caller I.D read Danielle, even though I didn’t feel like talking I owed it to her to at least answer my phone.

Talia: Hello

Danielle: Hey, how are you?

Talia: I’m okay, how about you?

Danielle: I’m good. What’s going on? You were acting so weird at school today I got a bit worried

I explained to her all about the letter, the offer from the dance company and how Luke found out.

Danielle: Wow, Talia congratulations that’s amazing!

Talia: Thank you, but I’m still unsure of what I want. What do you think I should do?

Danielle: I think you should go for the audition, get a feel of what it’s like at the academy and how everything works then if you get accepted in, do what’s best for yourself.

Talia: That’s probably the best advice I’ve been given, I have to make up my mind by Wednesday because the auditions next Saturday.

Danielle: We’ll talk about this at school tomorrow, call me if you need anything

Talia: Will do, thanks

After I hung up from Danielle, everything seemed a bit clearer than it was before but I still wanted to know what was going through Luke’s head if only he would stop ignoring me and just talk to me.

The following day at school was the same; I just hung out with the group not saying too much. At this point everyone knew what was going on and they all congratulated me and were very supportive. At lunch time we were all sitting on the oval, except for Luke. I was getting a bit annoyed that he hadn’t been making much of an effort to spend time with me but as I was thinking this, I felt a tap on my shoulder and Luke whisper in my ear ‘Can I talk to you for a sec’ I got up and walked over to a bench beside a tree and sat down next to Luke.

Luke: I’m sorry I’ve been avoiding you for the past few days, I needed time to think

Talia: These past few days I’ve needed you more than ever and you weren’t there

Luke: I know and I’m sorry, I promise I won’t even do that to you again

Talia: What did you need time to think about?

Luke: Us and what’s gonna happen when you leave

Talia: What are you talking about? I can’t go to the audition because I’m not skinny enough, not good enough, not flexible enough

The real reasons as to why I gave up dancing in the first place, I just blurted them out. For a second I regretted it, but I felt a thousand times better telling someone.

Luke: Talia what are you talking about? You’re perfect in every single way; you are skinny and definitely good enough. Why are you so hard on yourself?

Talia: I’m not; I have to be realistic

Luke: Is this the reason you gave up dancing in the first place?

Talia: Yeah

Luke: I can’t believe I didn’t pick this up before; you have the best body I’ve seen on a girl. All the others are too skinny; looking at their bones makes me sick. If you weren’t good enough then Anthony wouldn’t have sent in that video to the academy and they wouldn’t have asked you to audition. It’s all in your head, please believe me, you’re beautiful.

I just nodded; maybe I was being too hard on myself.

Talia: I love you, you know that right?

Luke: I love you too, and you’re going to audition next Saturday?

Talia: Yes and can you come with me?

Luke: Of course I will

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