Chapter 18

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Talia’s P.O.V:

I woke up Monday morning at 7:30am, great, a whole week of school to look forward too. As I was getting ready, I grabbed my drink bottle of my desk and next to it was sitting the letter. The letter that could change my whole life and everything I thought I knew about myself. I would have read it at least 20 times over to make sure I wasn’t in some sort of dream, that it was reality. I didn’t even submit a tape into the academy, Anthony did.


Anthony’s P.O.V:

I came home from the gym one afternoon, as I was driving into the drive way I saw the mail box was full. I stopped the car to quickly get out and grab them. When I got inside I looked through them to see if any were addressed to me, there wasn’t but there was one addressed to Talia from the National Academy of Dance. I thought about opening it, but I didn’t. I submitted a video of Talia dancing into the company because I know she’s brilliant and definitely good enough to get in. She told everyone, including me and mum that she gave because she physically couldn’t do it anymore but I have this feeling that there’s a lot more to it. I heard the sound of the door open and I knew Talia was back from school.

Anthony: Hey how was your day?

Talia: Meh it was average, how was your day?

Anthony: It was good, listen I have to talk to you about something

Talia: What is it?

Anthony: Do you still love to dance?

Talia: Of course, why?

Anthony: Because I submitted a video of you dancing into the National Academy of Dance in Sydney and they sent you a letter

Talia’s P.O.V:

I was shocked, to say the least. I just stood there, looking at the letter Anthony held in his hands. I gave dancing up, I gave it up because I had too and I couldn’t do it anymore. I would be lying if I said that I gave it up because I physically was unable to do it anymore, although that’s what I had told everyone else. Not even my mum, Anthony or Luke knew the truth. I couldn’t tell them, they wouldn’t understand. I still love dancing, I always will but I don’t have it in me to become a professional.

Talia: Why did you do that?

Anthony: I’ve watched you dance ever since you could walk, you’re a natural. You never fully told me why you gave it up and I never asked. I trusted that you would do the right thing for yourself. I watch you dance now and nothing has changed, you do it with ease I wish I was as good at something like you are with your dancing. That’s why I sent that video in, because you’re too good just to dance for fun.

A tear fell from my eye, I so badly wanted to tell Anthony, to tell someone about why I gave it up in the first place but it’s hard for me to open up about my personal life, even to my family. Every time I think my life is hard, I always think about people who have it worse and that’s why I put a smile on my face and pretend like it doesn’t hurt. I took the letter from Anthony and ran into my room, closing the door behind me. I fell to the ground and opened the letter.



Talia’s P.O.V:

Anthony: Talia! Talia! TALIA!
Talia: Sorry what?

Anthony: You’re gonna be late for school, want me to drop you off?

Talia: Um yeah thanks

I walked outside and jumped into the car. I rested my bag between my feet and felt myself starting to zone out again.

Anthony: Are you alright?

Talia: Yeah I’m fine, just thinking about the letter

Anthony: Have you given anymore thought about going to the audition?

Talia: Yeah but I’m not sure what I wanna do though

Anthony: You still have a few days to make up your mind, what’s holding you back?

Talia: Everything. My whole life is in Melbourne; I don’t just wanna pack up and leave

Anthony: This is a once in a life time opportunity, don’t through it away

Talia: I’ll do what’s best for me, I’ll see you tonight

Anthony: Have a good day, don’t stress too much about it

I walked into school, feeling the cool breeze across my face blowing lose bits of hair everywhere. I walked up to my locker and put my bag away, when I heard Luke call out my name.


Luke: Hey, how did you recover from the weekend?

Talia: I just want to relive everything that happened, being here is so depressing

Luke: I know, tell me about it

I looked up at Luke for a few seconds, he put his arms around me and I felt a sense of guilt. I still hadn’t told him about the letter from the dance academy.

Talia: Luke, there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you

Luke: Yeah what is it?

Talia: Anthony sent in a video of me dancing to The National Dance Academy in Sydney and I got a letter from them saying they want me to come and audition for the academy.

Luke: I already know.. 

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