Chapter 23

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Talia’s P.O.V:

My alarm went off at 7:30am Thursday morning; I really didn’t want to go to school even though I’ve only got just over a week left. I walked out of my bedroom into the kitchen to see Anthony already making himself something to eat.

Talia: Hey um I’m not feeling too well, I’m just gonna stay home today

Anthony: What’s wrong with you?

Talia: I woke up with a really bad headache, I just want to relax

Truth is, I am feeling a bit sick but I think it’s all in my head. With everything that happened with Luke yesterday, it’s like I made myself sick.

Anthony: Alright, I’ll call the school and let them know you’re staying home

Talia: Thanks

Anthony: and maybe later on this afternoon you could start packing, you don’t want to have to do it all at the last minute

Talia: Yeah that’s a good idea

I walked but back to my room and went back to bed, hoping that when I woke up my headache would be gone.

Luke’s P.O.V:

I didn’t sleep at all last night, I laid awake until about 1am. My brain didn’t seem to want to switch off; the same thoughts were running through my head the whole night. I was surprised I didn’t have some wacky dream about them. I awoke in the morning to Jai putting an ice pack on my head.


Luke: What the fuck was that for idiot?

Jai: What’s up your ass this morning?

Luke: Maybe it’s the fact that you just put this on my head

I through the ice pack down and it hit him right in the nose, that’ll be sure to leave a mark

Jai: Ouch, what the fuck was that for?

Luke: Being an asshole

Jai: Geez, what’s got into you? Did Talia dump you or something?

Luke: Yeah

Jai: Oh, do you want to talk about it?

Luke: Not really, sorry about your nose

Jai: I’ll be fine, how did she break up with you?

I told Jai what happened yesterday at the park, he was really sympathetic and I felt a bit better after talking to someone about what happened even if it did hurt more to say it out loud. I had P.E with Talia first lesson, our teacher already told us that we’re doing a fitness test which means I’ll have a good chance to talk to her. After I had gotten ready for school Jai and I said goodbye to Mum and Beau and we started walking to school. It was a cool morning and we were running a bit late. As we walked through the school gates the bell went and we both went our separate ways to our lockers. I quickly put my bag in my locker and grabbed my drink bottle then made my way to the gym, as I walked in majority of my class were sitting on the bleachers but I didn’t see Talia. I waited a few minutes but she still wasn’t there, I sat down next to Tyla and took my phone out to message her. ‘Hey where are you?’ I didn’t get a reply. I just so badly wanted to talk to her.

Talia’s P.O.V:

I woke up again at around 11am, I felt better. My headache had gone away and having that extra sleep in did me some good. I walked out into the kitchen to make myself a fruit salad for brunch; I sat down at the breakfast bar and ate it. When I had finished I walked back to my room and checked my phone, two new messages from Luke and Danielle asking where I was. I replied to Danielle’s and she said that she would come over after lunch because she had a double free period. I stared at the message from Luke and eventually replied, I owed it to him ‘Hey I wasn’t feeling too good this morning, but I’m fine now’ I put my phone down and got dressed then I walked over to the entrance of my room and took a good look around. My room was average size, there wasn’t much in it except for my bed, my bedside table, my walk in robe and a small chair that I’ve had ever since I was little. My room looked neat, until you opened the door of my walk in robe. Everything was in there and I was dreading the thought of sorting what I would take with me to Sydney and what I would leave here. Thank God Danielle was coming over soon; she would be able to help me sort through everything.

Danielle’s P.O.V:

I messaged Talia to let her know I’m out the front of her house and she opened the door, we walked into her room and I put my bag down beside her chair. We went over to her walk in robe and opened the door fully to see how much stuff we were dealing with.

Danielle: Wow, where do we start?

Talia: I have no idea, clothes and shoes maybe?

Danielle: Alright, let’s make 2 piles on your bed, one pile is clothes you’re going to leave here and the other is going to be the clothes you’re gonna take with you

Talia: Sounds good.. let’s get started

After a good hour we sorted out all her clothes and shoes, we took out a suitcase and packed some of the stuff she wasn’t going to be wearing within the next week and put the rest of her clothes away neatly, still in their piles. We decided that we had done enough sorting out for today and put on ‘Jersey Shore season 2’

Luke’s P.O.V:

The past week had been hard, really hard. It was awkward between me and Talia, I hated it. I hated not being able to hug her or kiss her or tell her I loved her when I wanted too. I kept my distance, I had to. We managed a few conversations but that was it, she seemed happy every time I saw her from a distance but when we were talking in a group and I caught her eye I could see sadness. It was Friday, the day before Talia leaves. We had a shared lunch at school for her and everyone brought food. After school was hard for Talia, she never liked school but she cried at the thought of never coming back. I was sitting on a block outside of the gates waiting for Beau and Jai to finish socialising with everyone, when Talia came and sat down next to me.

Talia: Hi

Luke: Hi

Talia: Are you coming to the airport tomorrow?

Luke: I’m not sure, I have tennis in the morning but I know mum will definitely be there

Talia: Oh okay

We sat there in silence for a few minutes before Talia spoke again.

Talia: I guess I better get going now, if I don’t see you tomorrow I guess this is goodbye

Luke: Um yeah I guess it is, I’ll miss you

Talia: I’ll miss you too   

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