Chapter 3

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Luke’s P.O.V:

It felt right, when I kissed Talia all my thoughts just disappeared and I got caught up in the moment. When I first met her, I thought our friendship would soon become a relationship because of how well we got along, but it didn’t. I love her as my bestfriend and we fight like brother and sister, but lately i’ve been feeling alot more sexually attracted to her. Like when I look at her I notice her boobs and when we hug I love resting my head on her soft hair. I was worried when she just left like that, I didn’t know what was going on her in head and come to think of it, I’m pretty confused as to what this means. Why do things have to start getting complicated?

Jai’s P.O.V:

I felt a bit bad for just leaving Danielle like that, I went straight inside and got another drink. When I woke up the next morning I had a minor hangover, but I wasn’t going to advertise the fact that I drank a bit more than I should have. I walked into the kitchen to see Luke and Beau sitting at the table eating and discussing what happened last night.

Beau: When I dropped Talia off home, she seemed a bit quiet. Any idea why?

Luke: We sort of kissed..

Beau: Yeah, I was waiting for that day to come

Luke: What do you mean?

Beau: You’ve been close for years now, it was only a matter of time before yous starting getting feelings for each other

Luke: I guess so, but things were amazing the way they were, what happened last night has just made it complicated. Anywayz what happened to you last night Jai?

Beau: Yeah, I didn’t see much of you lover boy, what did you get up to?

Jai: Nothing, I spent the night with Danielle. Your idiotic drunken friend ruined everything when he decided to through up next to her.

Beau: I saw her walk away and thought it was because she couldn’t stand to be around you any longer

Jai: Oh you’re so funny

Luke: So what are you boys up to today?

Beau: I’m gonna go see Skip and James now, either of you coming?

Jai: Nah, i’m just gonna chill at home

Luke: I’m gonna message Talia and see if she wants to meet up

Beau: Sounds boring, see you losers later tonight then

Luke’s P.O.V:

I grabbed my phone off my bed and messaged Talia to see what she was up to, I really needed to talk to her and figure out where we stand.

Luke: Are u doing anything today? I need to talk 2 u J

Talia: Soz im going shopping with the girls, talk to u tomoz xx

Luke: Okay, ill meet u at ur locker? X

Talia: Yeah, see u then :)x

Talia’s P.O.V:

I lied to Luke for the first time ever actually, I wasn’t going into town with the girls. I felt bad but I needed to sort my head out. I rang Danielle and we had a massive D&M on the phone because I was so confused as to what my feelings for Luke were.

Danielle: How are you feeling?

Talia: I’m not bad, better than last night but still so confused

Danielle: What actually happened?

Talia: We were getting up off our chairs, we both were just staring into each other’s eyes and got lost in the moment..

Danielle: That’s so cute

Talia: I think i’m getting feelings for him now, why does this have to happen?

Danielle: What’s so bad about it? I mean, yous have been bestfriends for years now it was only natural your relationship would eventually progress to the next level

Talia: I just never thought it’d happen, he’s the perfect bestfriend

Danielle: Are you going to tell him how you feel?

Talia: I doubt he has the same feelings for me so I guess there’s not really much point

Danielle: Talk to him tomorrow before you make any drastic decisions

Talia: Yeah I will, anyway I’ve got to go mums calling me

Danielle: Okay, cya at school

Luke’s P.O.V:

The next day at school I waited at Talia’s locker for her to arrive, she’s always late that one. When she got there I gave her a warm hug and helped her un pack her bag.

Luke: I think we need to talk about Saturday night

Talia: Yeah so do I

A million things were racing through my head at that moment as I looked into her eyes, I just wanted to tell her how I really felt

Luke: I really like you, like more than a bestfriend now. You’ve always been the one person I trust the most and I don’t know what i’d do without you. You probably don’t feel the same way about me but I just want you to know you’re the most beautiful girl in the world.

WHAT DID I JUST SAY? I can’t believe it, I just blurted it all out she’s probably going to think i’m a complete idiot and our friendship will be over. As I went to say something else she pulled me by my tie and kissed me. It was amazing, I grabbed her by her waist and it was perfect. 

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