Chapter 4

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Talia’s P.O.V:

I didn’t think about it, I just kissed Luke. After what he just told me, it was like nothing else mattered. I had all these butterflies in my stomach and I felt the best I had in ages. As I pulled away from him, he hugged me and then whispered in my ear ‘Will you be my girlfriend?’ I WAS LIKE DYING INSIDE, I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT. And of course I whispered back ‘yes’

At recess, Luke and I walked towards the gang with his arm around my waist and my head resting lightly on his shoulder. Today was amazing.

Beau: Well well well, what do we have here?

Luke: Guys, this is my girlfriend, Talia

James: The next Liam Payne and Danielle Peazer?

Danielle: AWW YOU GUYS!

Jai: Don’t have sex, or you’ll get pregnant.. and die


After a few minutes of talking, the boys got into their own conversation about sport while me, Danielle and Liana went and sat down on a bench. Skip and Liana have been going out for a few weeks now and I felt a bit bad that I haven’t really gotten to know her, she seems nice and all but I wanted to become better friends with her.

Talia: So on Friday night, Danielle’s sleeping over, it’d be great if you joined us

Liana: Are you sure? I don’t want to intrude

Danielle: Nah, you won’t be it’ll be good with an extra person

Liana: Okay cool, what time do you want me over?

Talia: Come around 6 and we’ll order Chinese for dinner yeah?

Liana: Sounds good!

Jai’s P.O.V:

It was Wednesday lunch time and me, Danielle, Talia, Luke, James, Beau, Skip and Liana were all sitting on the oval hanging out. Danielle’s sitting on my lap and were just having a quiet conversation amongst ourselves. I really like her now, I want to tell her how I feel but i’m not sure I should. She’s a bit quiet but that’s what I like about her. When the bell goes everyone gets up to go to their lockers when I grab Danielle’s hand and pull her back.

Jai: I was thinking, do you wanna um.. come to the movies with me this Saturday night to see ahh.. titanic?

It was so obvious that I was nervous but I tried to hold it together and keep cool. She looks so cute when she blushes.

Danielle: Sure, what time?

Jai: I have to wait a few more months until I can get my P’s, can I meet you at your house at 7 and we’ll catch the train? i’ll pay for you aswell

Danielle: Yeah that sounds alright, you don’t have to pay for me

Jai: It’s okay, I want too

Danielle’s P.O.V:

The past few weeks with Jai have been amazing, I’m so excited were going to see Titanic in 3D on Saturday. I know it’s not a date, but I love spending time when it’s just us two. He makes me feel special and wanted, like i’m the only girl in the world.

Beau’s P.O.V:

I walked to the bus stop with James and Jai afterschool, Luke and Skip were both with their girlfriends and none of us felt like being oblivious to them so we decided to go to Melbourne Central. We climbed on the bus and sat at the back, like we would normally do.


Beau: oOoOo, are you sending nudes?

James: Hahah, give us a look Beau

Beau: Hold on, he’s been texting Danielle back and forth

James: Whats going on there mate?

Jai: Nothing, were just going to the movies Saturday night

Beau: Aw, so it’s a date

Jai: No, well not really. I mean it just us two so..

James: You’ve totally got the hots for her, don’t you?

Jai: Even if I did, I wouldn’t tell you

Beau: Well she wouldn’t like you anyway, you’re the uglier twin

Jai: Not funny Beau

James: So do you seriously like her, this isn’t just some chick who you’re gonna ditch a few weeks from now?

Jai: Yeah I do like her, i’ll just wait and see what happens Saturday night

James’ P.O.V:

When we got to Melbourne Central, quite a few people recognised who we were and came up and started talking to us. They asked for photos, one girl even started crying when she saw us it’s a bit cute but at the same time it’s weird to think people would cry just because they met me? I’m nothing special and I never got any attention like this before me and the boys started to make YouTube videos. Being well known around Melbourne has its advantages and disadvantages, for example we get hate for the guys at our school calling us gay faggots. Haters gonna hate, but sometimes I just wish they would leave us alone.

Jai’s P.O.V:

When we finished talking to some of our fans Beau, James and I went to Maccas to grab something to eat, since we were all starving. As we were lining up, there were 3 guys behind us who started to say shit, calling us all sorts of names. We ignored them, but they kept going like they wanted us to retaliate. We all kept our cool, but Beau soon lost it and took a swing at one of the guys..  

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