Chapter 15

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Talia’s P.O.V:

Laser squirmsihing was intense; we played 3 games and were all exhausted afterwards. Red team won 1 game and the blue team won 2, I think that’s because Danielle and I dominated. When we were finished, Beau offered to drive me home and Luke said he wanted to spend some ‘quality time’ with his girlfriend on her birthday so he came home with me. When we got home the first thing I wanted to do was have a shower but Luke was practically attached to me and he didn’t have any intentions of letting me go any time soon. We walked into my room and both collapsed on my bed, we laid there for a few seconds in silence until he sat up and looked at me with that gorgeous smile of his. He leaned in and we started making out, as we normally do, but this time things got more intense. He put his hands up my top and our kissing turned more into tongue battling, but he suddenly pulled away.

Talia: What’s wrong?

Luke: Are you sure you’re ready?

Talia: I’m sure

Ok so Luke and I hadn’t done it yet, because we didn’t want to rush into anything. We were waiting for the time when we were both ready and at 15 I wasn’t, but now I am. I want my first time to be with Luke because I love him and he’s not just some random that i’ve only known for a day.

Luke: Wait til tonight princess; you’re going to get the surprise of your life

Talia: Can you please tell me where were going? I’m dying to know

Luke: Nope, but I just know you’ll love it

Danielle’s P.O.V:

Everyone had agreed to meet at the Crown at 5pm, Liana and I were supposed to pick Talia up at 4:45pm but she rang me and said that Luke had arranged something, but she didn’t know what. I was annoyed at first that Luke was tampering with the plans but I soon got a text from him saying ‘Organised a limo to take Talia and I to the Crown, then pick us all up and take us to dinner. Sorry bit late notice, talk soon’ It was so cute what Luke had done, we should’ve thought of it before!

It was 5pm and Beau and was at the reception desk of the hotel, checking in for us, I then saw the others standing and sitting around the water fountain waiting patiently, all looking really good in their outfits for dinner.

Danielle: So does everyone know about the change of plans?

Jai: Yeah, Luke rang me and I told everyone

Danielle: Ok good, they should be due to arrive here any minute now

Beau: Come on guys, let’s go check out this room

We took the elevator to our room which were up on the 22nd floor of the hotel; our room was first on the right. When Beau unlocked the door, everyone’s faces were so amazed. None of us had gotten a suite like this before- especially at the Crown Towers! It was massive, with practically everything in it including 6 beds (3 doubles and 3 singles) The double beds were all taken as Luke and Talia, Skip and Liana and Jai and myself would have one. Beau, James, Tyla, Carla, Summer and Lauren would all fight over the single beds but it won’t really matter anyway, nobody’s going to be sleeping much tonight. We all dumped our bags in a room and took the elevator back down stairs to wait for Talia and Luke.

Talia’s P.O.V:

Luke told me we were going somewhere fancy and to dress formal, he also said to pack an overnight bag as he wanted me to sleep over. After he left I packed my bag and had a shower, washing my hair. I blowed dried it and then straightened it, my hair was getting longer, sitting just below my boobs. I walked into my room and into my walk in robe, trying to find something to wear. I came across a black dress which is tight around my boobs and then flows out to sit just above my knees with my purple and blue wedges. I got dressed and walked back into the bathroom to apply my makeup and fix my hair up.

It was 5:15pm and I heard the doorbell ring, I walked downstairs to answer it and it was Luke with a small bag in his hand dressed very smartly, with the top button of his shirt done up. Before I got a chance to say something, a limo arrived at my house.

Luke: Surprise beautiful

Talia: Were riding in a limo? YAYYYYY

Luke: Come on let’s go!

Talia: Hold on a sec, let me put my shoes on and grab my bag. Tell the driver I won’t be a sec

Luke’s P.O.V:    

When we got into the limo, it was time to give Talia her present. I had lost night’s sleep over this not knowing what to get her and when I finally got something, I lost sleep because I wasn’t sure if she would like it or not.

Luke: Talia I have something for you, I’m not sure if you’ll like it but I think you will and if you don’t i’ll be happy to change it and...

Talia: Luke i’m sure i’ll love it, just like I love you

I handed Talia the bag, she pulled out the little box and smiled at me. My heart was pounding, I get way too worked up over these things. When she opened it up, her face lit up completely and I felt a wave of relief come over me. She took it out and put it on her wrist and I saw a tear fall from her eye.

Luke: What’s wrong? Don’t you like it?

Talia: Luke, I love it. Thankyou, this is the most precious gift anyone has ever gotten me

Luke: But then why are you crying?

Talia: Because i’m so lucky to have someone like you as my boyfriend

I quickly sent a text message to Jai saying that we were almost there so he would know to get everyone out the front.  Talia cuddled up to me and rested her head on my shoulder for a few minutes until we arrived at the Crown Towers. You couldn’t see out of the limo windows so she had no idea where we were going. I blind folded Talia for the second time today but she didn’t seem to mind, when the driver opened the door for us I lead her out to where the others were. I took off her blind fold and....

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