Chapter 5

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Beau’s P.O.V:

I don’t know what came over me, I just lost it. Usually I don’t react to haters like this, but they got to me. I punched the guy closet to me with full force in his nose, he stumbled back and then fell to ground, I felt an adrenaline rush but I didn’t do anything for it to escalate into a full blown fight. But I didn’t have to, the other 2 guys took swings at Jai and James. James had done a bit of boxing when he was younger, so he knew how to defend himself but on the other hand, Jai hasn’t. Us brothers always fight, but it’s never been serious and none of us have ended up badly injured so when the guy tried to karate kick Jai in the stomach I put one arm around his neck and the other I used to grab his arm and twist it right back. The guy screamed in agony as I kept twisting his arm until I made sure he wasn’t fit enough to hurt James or Jai. When I looked over, I saw the guy that started on James, lying on the floor and the guy I had taken down before slowly getting up with a bloody nose.

James’ P.O.V:

I was shocked to see 3 guys looking half dead in front me. The manager came running from around the corner screaming at us and some of the workers told us to sit down because the police were on their way and there was no point running because we were caught on camera. Everyone who was lining up was told politely to leave as they had to clean up the mess. When 2 police officers arrived my heart started beating really fast and I wasn’t sure what was going to happen next. Jai looked the most confused out of all of us so the officers started asking him questions first.

Officer: What’s your full name?

Jai: Jai Brooks

Officer: Age?

Jai: 16

Officer: So tell us your version of events

Jai: We were lining up to order food and the guys behind us started mouthing off at us. We did our best to ignore them but they just wouldn’t stop

Officer: Who started the physical fight?

Jai: We did

Officer: WHO exactly?

Jai: My brother Beau

When the police officers finished interviewing all of us, they went to go speak to the other 3 guys. We sat in a booth in silence for about 10 minutes until the officers came over to us to inform us what was happening.

Officer: The other guys told us that they said nothing at all to aggravate you and that youse just started a fight for no reason at all.

Beau: They’re lying, that’s absolute shit. Do you believe them?

Officer: We have to look at CCTV footage first but for now, it’s your word against theirs and let me tell you, it’s not looking great for you guys seeing as you through the first punch.

Beau: I can’t believe this, the lying bastards.

Officer: Okay, all 3 of you are going to have to come down to the station with me and make a formal statement.

Luke’s P.O.V:

Afterschool Talia and I walked back to my place, when we got home everyone was out so it was just us two. We decided to put on a movie and just relax for a while. Talia chose Step Up 3 which was one of her favourite movies and also mine. Half way through the movie I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and so did Talia, as she was resting her head in my lap. I pulled it out and saw the caller I.D was Jai.

Luke: Yeah what do you want?

Jai: Is mum home?

Luke: No she’s at the shops, why?

Jai: Were at the police station and we need her to come pick us up

Luke: What did youse do now? Are you all okay?

Jai: Yeah were all fine, it’s a long story I’ll explain to you when I get home. Can you call mum and tell her she needs to pick us up ASAP?

Just as Jai said this mum walked through the door with a few bags of groceries and I gently pushed Talia off my lap to go give the phone to her.

Luke: She just got home; I’ll pass you to her now

Jai: Mum?

Gina: Yes Jai

Jai: Beau, James and I are at the police station, we need you to come pick us up.


Jai: Please mum, we’ll explain it all to you later

Gina: Oh my gosh, I’ll be there soon

When the call ended mum gave me back my phone and told me to unpack the groceries, with a touch of anger and fear in her voice. When she left, I told Talia what Jai had told me and she was so shocked and worried about them.  

Gina’s P.O.V:

When I arrived at the police station I was angry with the boys but also scared. I walked in to see them sitting down all a bit anxious, I was then greeted by a police officer.

Officer: Are you Gina Brooks?

Gina: Yes

Officer: The boys have not been formally charged with assault, we have to look at a few things and take into account different versions of what happened. They are free to go but expect a call from us within the next few days.

Gina: Is it likely that they will be charged?

Officer: At this stage, there’s a 50/50 chance they might be

Gina: Okay, thankyou

The boy’s overhead what was said and got up, as we were walking out to the car they explained to me what happened and said none of it was intentional. I dropped James off and then went back home, the car ride was pretty silent because nobody knew exactly what to say. I just thanked God that none of them were seriously hurt.

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