Chapter 8

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Talia’s P.O.V:

My heart started beating really fast and I don’t know why. My first instinct was to run, I couldn’t even look at Luke. I went to turn around but he grabbed me, tears started to fall from my face even though I tried my hardest to stop them. I had so many things to say to him, but every time I tried to say something i’d choke on my own words and feel my eyes start to tear up.

Talia: When di-did you sleep with her?

Luke: It was before we started going out, at a party one night and it just happened I swear it wasn’t planned

Talia: I have to go, I can’t even look at you

Luke: Please don’t go I want to talk about it

At this point I felt more anger in me and I started to tell at him


I stormed out of his house and started to run, I had no idea where I was heading and didn’t care. I stopped running when I came across a park, I went and sat on a swing and tried to think things over. I’d calmed down a bit but I was still so upset.

Luke’s P.O.V:

As soon as Talia left, I started to cry aswell. I hardly ever cry but there were so many emotions that had built up inside of me in the past few days and my head was so messed up. I went into my room and listened to my iPod for a while, trying to escape my own thoughts until I heard a knock on the door. I went to answer the door and it was Skip.

Skip: Woah are you alright man? You look like you’ve been crying

Luke: ah yeah i’m not feeling to good atm

Skip: Do you wanna talk about it? I’ll go if you’re not up for it

Luke: Nah come in, I need advice from someone other than my brothers

I told Skip everything that happened, he was the only person that knew I had slept with Mia other than Mia herself and surprisingly she hadn’t told anyone.

Skip: Shit that’s alot to take in, I don’t really know what to tell you except try and talk to Talia about it first and then approach Mia. If she keeps this baby you’re gonna need Talia’s support and for her and Mia to get along

Luke: I know, i’m going to let Talia sleep on it and i’ll call her tomorrow. Then i’ll  talk to Mia

Skip: Don’t worry man, me and your brothers are here for you. I better get going now

Luke: Thanks Skip, I feel a bit bad because I haven’t told James. Can you just fill him in on what’s going on and tell him i’ll catch up with him when I get the chance

Skip: Yeah no problem, take care brother

Danielle’s P.O.V:

It was Sunday afternoon and I had 4 assignments all due on the last week of school, I felt like I was drowning in my homework. All the gang was supposed to catch up today at Melbourne Central, but with everything going on with Luke and his situation, nobody really felt like going. Thank God holidays were coming up, I needed to catch up on sleep. I was home alone in my room working on my English essay when my phone rang, it was Jai.

Danielle: Hey cutie

Jai: Hey gorgeous, whats up?

Danielle: Homework

Jai: Ceeebs with that, i’ll just get a note

Danielle: For all 4 assignments? Please, enlighten me, what exactly are they going to say?

Jai: Um i’m not sure yet, i’ll worry about when I have to. Do you wanna meet up?

Danielle: I just told you I’m drowning in homework over here, come help me?

Jai: Soz beb, you know i’m not good with school work. Can we meet up for an hour or so pleaaaaase?

Danielle: Come over for a bit, i’ll take a break from this

Jai: yay see you soon cutie

Talia’s P.O.V:

I woke up around midday on Sunday and saw a message on my phone from Luke, telling him to call me when I woke up. I love how he knew I always slept in on Sunday mornings. For a while I just sat on the end of my bed, thinking everything over again. After what happened yesterday, I felt bad for how I reacted and what I said to Luke. I only thought of myself and didn’t really consider how Luke was feeling. I was nervous to call him, but we really had to talk.

Luke: Hello

Talia: Luke, before you say anything I just want to say i’m really sorry for how I acted yesterday. It was so selfish of me

Luke: it’s okay I know it must’ve come as shock and I understand why you reacted the way you did

Talia: even though I can’t stand her, I promise i’ll be there for you and her, whenever youse need it.

Luke: Thanks Talia, it means alot to me. I love you

Talia: I love you too

Mia’s P.O.V:

Luke took me being pregnant quite well, I thought he was going to go all physco on me and run away but he didn’t. I arranged to meet up with him tomorrow after school at Maccas so we could talk things through. He better not decide to bring that skank of a girlfriend he’s always with. I don’t want her to have any part in this. She’s already driven a wedge between me and Luke and with this baby, hopefully it’ll bring us closer. But I have this weird feeling in my stomach, not butterflies, it’s something else. Am I feeling guilty? I can’t be. Should I tell Luke the truth? No. I can’t, I only just told him I was pregnant. I have to keep it together. 

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